postgres 10 to 11 breaking changes
Of course all changes involve community discussion and patch review, so each item is truly a community effort. A dump/restore using pg_dumpall or use of pg_upgrade or logical replication is required for those wishing to migrate data from any previous release. Docx's and xlsx's everywhere. For this, first of all, we need to confirm that we dont have replication lag. Previously, tab completion queries could fail against older servers. My tip is not to spend too much time with this huge list, most of which you won't understand. Perform a database backup. Backends that were still waiting for a client startup packet got it wrong, too. It might also be necessary to adjust other configuration files in the new cluster to match the old cluster, e.g., postgresql.conf (and any files included by it), Heavy use of parallel processing has been observed to cause postmaster crashes due to too many concurrent signals requesting creation of a parallel worker process. It previously threw an error complaining about infinite recursion, but there seems no need to disallow the case. Fix relation cache memory leaks with RLS policies (Tom Lane), Fix small memory leak when SIGHUP processing decides that a new GUC variable value cannot be applied without a restart (Tom Lane), Fix memory leaks in PL/pgsql's CALL processing (Pavel Stehule, Tom Lane), Make libpq support arbitrary-length lines in .pgpass files (Tom Lane). It will also generate script files that must be run by the administrator. If you see anything in the documentation that is not correct, does not match PostgreSQL 10: November 10, 2022 PostgreSQL 11: November 9, 2023 PostgreSQL 12: November 14, 2024 (released on October 3rd, 2019) parallel merge joins the support for parallel index scans has been improved it's also possible to customize the number of parallel workers in a single query (defaults to 8) parallel hash joins (helps with inner joins) Allow faster partition elimination during query processing (Amit Langote, David Rowley, Dilip Kumar). Use stdbool.h to define type bool on platforms where it's suitable, which is most (Peter Eisentraut). This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled by changing enable_partitionwise_join. Add Vietnamese letter handling to the unaccent extension (Dang Minh Huong, Michael Paquier), Enhance amcheck to check that each heap tuple has an index entry (Peter Geoghegan), Have adminpack use the new default file system access roles (Stephen Frost). (CVE-2020-25694), Prevent psql's \gset command from modifying specially-treated variables (Noah Misch). L and TH now only consume characters that are not digits, positive/negative signs, decimal points, or commas. This reduces the likelihood of serialization conflicts in serializable-mode transactions. There is no need to start the new cluster. The following individuals (in alphabetical order) have contributed to this release as patch authors, committers, reviewers, testers, or reporters of issues. You can also specify user and port values, and whether you want the data files linked or cloned instead of the default copy behavior. On FreeBSD 11, and possibly other platforms, the view's address and netmask columns were always null due to this error. Creation of a trigger on a partitioned table automatically creates triggers on all existing and future partitions. With PostgreSQL, this was simply not possible in a native way. To verify the created subscription we can use then pg_stat_subscription catalog. To confirm the publication created we are going to use the pg_publication catalog. For information about new features in major release 11, see Section E.20. Below you will find a detailed account of the changes between PostgreSQL 11 and the previous major release. The query ID can now potentially display as a negative value. This is done with format specifications TZH and TZM. Fix failure of parallel B-tree index scans when the index condition is unsatisfiable (James Hunter), Ensure that data is detoasted before being inserted into a BRIN index (Tomas Vondra), Index entries are not supposed to contain out-of-line TOAST pointers, but BRIN didn't get that memo. Also improve PL/Python domain handling. All failure, rebuild, and reindex cases will be reported by pg_upgrade if they affect your installation; post-upgrade scripts to rebuild tables and indexes will be generated automatically. Correct information schema column tables.table_type to return FOREIGN instead of FOREIGN TABLE (Peter Eisentraut). (The community will attempt to avoid such situations.). this form Previously returned true, if ESCAPE NULL is specified. It is not currently enabled by default, even in builds that support it. -c. They love reports. It is implemented by walsender and apply processes. Add ability to use channel binding when using SCRAM authentication (Michael Paquier). : If you have relocated pg_wal outside the data directories, rsync must be run on those directories too. Retain WAL data for only a single checkpoint (Simon Riggs). But in PostgreSQL 13, it returns the NULL which is correct behavior, but you need to modify your application if expecting . Install the new server's binaries and support files. Make sure the new binaries and support files are installed on all standby servers. This is accomplished by having pg_prewarm store the shared buffers' relation and block number data to disk occasionally during server operation, and at shutdown. Link mode also requires that the old and new cluster data directories be in the same file system. Prevent extensions from creating custom server parameters that take a quoted list of values (Tom Lane). You can find more about logical replication in the following blogs: So, now that we know what this new feature is about, we can think about how we can use it to solve the upgrade issue. pg_upgrade (formerly called pg_migrator) allows data stored in PostgreSQL data files to be upgraded to a later PostgreSQL major version without the data dump/restore typically required for major version upgrades, e.g., from 9.5.8 to 9.6.4 or from 10.7 to 11.2. For example, in the version number 10.1, the 10 is the major version number and the 1 is the minor version number, meaning this would be the first minor release of the major release 10. This will work correctly if all affected tables are part of the same subscription. It is important that any external modules are also binary compatible, though this cannot be checked by pg_upgrade. So based on this, lets configure our publisher (in this case our PostgreSQL 10 server) as follows: We must change the user (in our example rep), which will be used for replication, and the IP address for the IP that corresponds to our PostgreSQL 11. pg_upgrade accepts the following command-line arguments: the old PostgreSQL executable directory; environment variable PGBINOLD, the new PostgreSQL executable directory; default is the directory where pg_upgrade resides; environment variable PGBINNEW, check clusters only, don't change any data, the old database cluster configuration directory; environment variable PGDATAOLD, the new database cluster configuration directory; environment variable PGDATANEW, number of simultaneous processes or threads to use, use hard links instead of copying files to the new cluster. In cases where these programs need to initiate additional connections, such as parallel processing or processing of multiple databases, the connection string was forgotten and just the basic connection parameters (database name, host, port, and username) were used for the additional connections. By default, pg_upgrade will wait for all files of the upgraded cluster to be written safely to disk. The graphical installers all use version-specific installation directories. This generates a C continue statement, causing a return to the top of the contained loop when the specified condition occurs. As the schema is not replicated, we must take a backup in PostgreSQL 10 and restore it in our PostgreSQL 11. If initdb was run, delete the standby servers' new data directories. This cannot be supported at present because knowledge of the parameter's property would be required even before the extension is loaded. But if some tables to be truncated on the subscriber have foreign-key links to tables that are not part of the same (or any) subscription, then the application of the truncate action on the subscriber will fail. Without a verified database backup, you must not initiate a fast upgrade. If you are using an older version, such as version9.6, see Database Migration from Version 9 to 10. Allow LDAP authentication to use encrypted LDAP (Thomas Munro). This is where the incompatibilities to the previous release are enumerated. Add casts from JSONB scalars to numeric and boolean data types (Anastasia Lubennikova), Add all window function framing options specified by SQL:2011 (Oliver Ford, Tom Lane). This process will create its own temporary replication slot and copy the existing data. In the extended query protocol, make statement_timeout apply to each Execute message separately, not to all commands before Sync (Tatsuo Ishii, Andres Freund), Remove the relhaspkey column from system catalog pg_class (Peter Eisentraut). An index on a partitioned table is not a physical index across the whole partitioned table, but rather a template for automatically creating similar indexes on each partition of the table. This leads to better selectivity estimates. (Automatic deletion is not possible if you have user-defined tablespaces inside the old data directory.) Observe the following incompatibilities: Make pg_dump dump the properties of a database, not just its contents (Haribabu Kommi). This is enabled when the default value is a constant. PostgreSQL expects the names of a table's constraints to be distinct, and likewise for the names of a domain's constraints. This catalog contains information about all publications created in the database. You might be quicker just running your queries and seeing what fails! Specifically, triggers.action_order, triggers.action_reference_old_table, and triggers.action_reference_new_table are now populated, where before they were always null. Ensure that psql reports the proper user name when prompting for a password (Tom Lane). This also allows deferred unique constraints on partitioned tables. This is helpful for allowing user-defined aggregate functions to be optimized and to work as window functions. Subscribers pull data from the publications they subscribe to. These are the steps to perform an upgrade with pg_upgrade: If you are using a version-specific installation directory, e.g., /opt/PostgreSQL/15, you do not need to move the old cluster. How do the interferometers on the drag-free satellite LISA receive power without altering their geodesic trajectory? your experience with the particular feature or requires further clarification, The PostgreSQL Project thanks Nick Cleaton for reporting this problem. If you are going to be using link or clone mode, you should use the option --link or --clone with --check to enable mode-specific checks. Multi-threaded ecpg applications could suffer rare misbehavior due to incorrect locking. Now, MCVs are chosen based on their frequency compared to the non-MCV values. Allow btree_gin to index bool, bpchar, name and uuid data types (Matheus Oliveira), Allow cube and seg extensions to perform index-only scans using GiST indexes (Andrey Borodin), Allow retrieval of negative cube coordinates using the ~> operator (Alexander Korotkov). Allow postgres_fdw to push down aggregates to foreign tables that are partitions (Jeevan Chalke), Allow parallel building of a btree index (Peter Geoghegan, Rushabh Lathia, Heikki Linnakangas), Allow hash joins to be performed in parallel using a shared hash table (Thomas Munro), Allow UNION to run each SELECT in parallel if the individual SELECTs cannot be parallelized (Amit Khandekar, Robert Haas, Amul Sul), Allow partition scans to more efficiently use parallel workers (Amit Khandekar, Robert Haas, Amul Sul), Allow LIMIT to be passed to parallel workers (Robert Haas, Tom Lane). Add storage parameter toast_tuple_target to control the minimum tuple length before TOAST storage will be considered (Simon Riggs). Allow VACUUM to avoid unnecessary index scans (Masahiko Sawada, Alexander Korotkov), Improve performance of committing multiple concurrent transactions (Amit Kapila), Reduce memory usage for queries using set-returning functions in their target lists (Andres Freund), Improve the speed of aggregate computations (Andres Freund), Allow postgres_fdw to push UPDATEs and DELETEs using joins to foreign servers (Etsuro Fujita). Previously, combinations of -U and a user name embedded in a URI caused incorrect reporting. Make sure both database servers are stopped using, on Unix, e.g. A complete list of changes for each release can be obtained by viewing the Git logs for each release. If the upgrade fails, the migration script will attempt to restore the database to its original state. This new output matches the SQL standard. to report a documentation issue. I've been reading the documentation and listing all the deprecated features. Each run creates a new subdirectory named with a timestamp formatted as per ISO 8601 (%Y%m%dT%H%M%S), where all its generated files are stored. to report a documentation issue. Overhaul the way that initial system catalog contents are defined (John Naylor). Also, arrange for the combination of a negative year and an explicit BC marker to cancel out and produce AD. Previously, only superusers were granted access to these functions. Improve performance of monotonically increasing index additions (Pavan Deolasee, Peter Geoghegan), Improve performance of hash index scans (Ashutosh Sharma), Add predicate locking for hash, GiST and GIN indexes (Shubham Barai). talladega high school basketball. Keeping version history of functions in PostgreSQL. Specifically, the new roles are: pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files, and pg_execute_server_program. Version 11 contains a number of changes that may affect compatibility with previous releases. If a future major release ever changes the data storage format in a way that makes the old data format unreadable, pg_upgrade will not be usable for such upgrades. It only takes a minute to sign up. Allow partitioned tables to have a default partition (Jeevan Ladhe, Beena Emerson, Ashutosh Bapat, Rahila Syed, Robert Haas). Identify blue/translucent jelly-like animal on beach. As side note: are you aware that before Postgres 10, the version numbering was a bit different? Fix off-by-one conversion of negative years to BC dates in to_date() and to_timestamp() (Dar Alathar-Yemen, Tom Lane). risk of data lose when a backup does not exist or cannot be replayed. If an error occurs while restoring the database schema, pg_upgrade will exit and you will have to revert to the old cluster as outlined in Step 17 below. This prevents possible data loss in a subsequent operating system crash. The previous binary search has been replaced by a lookup array. That is, the tables on the publication and on the subscription side must be normal tables, not views, materialized views, partition root tables, or foreign tables. Specifically, SELECT to_number('1234', '9,999') used to return 134. In general it is unsafe to access tables referenced in rebuild scripts until the rebuild scripts have run to completion; doing so could yield incorrect results or poor performance. Now, if there is ambiguity, the interpretation that matches the syntactic form is chosen. PostgreSQL 13. Improve selectivity estimates for >= and <= (Tom Lane). The user creating a subscription must be a superuser. If your file system supports file system snapshots or copy-on-write file copies, you can use that to make a backup of the old cluster and tablespaces, though the snapshot and copies must be created simultaneously or while the database server is down. If the partition key is part of the index's column set, a partitioned index may be declared UNIQUE. Add an option to suppress dumping and restoring database object comments (Robins Tharakan). The database schema and DDL commands are not replicated. If you are already using PostgreSQL version13, you do not need to perform this migration. Allow quit and exit to exit psql when given with no prior input (Bruce Momjian). ), Fix ecpg library's per-thread initialization logic for Windows (Tom Lane, Alexander Lakhin). This change is particularly helpful for queries involving BETWEEN with small ranges. Below is the complete archive of release notes for every version of PostgreSQL. The release notes contain the significant changes in each PostgreSQL release, with major features and migration issues listed at the top. Server variable data_directory_mode allows reading of data directory group permissions. Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? This release contains a variety of fixes from 11.9. pg_upgrade uses this fact to perform rapid upgrades by creating new system tables and simply reusing the old user data files. XML Limits and Conformance to SQL/XML. A fast upgrade only takes a few minutes, and uses almost no additional disk space. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. pg_upgrade does its best to make sure the old and new clusters are binary-compatible, e.g., by checking for compatible compile-time settings, including 32/64-bit binaries. Each PostgreSQL version has a section Migration to Version xy section in the base release part of appendix E of the documentation. The script files will connect to each database that needs post-upgrade processing. Temporary Unix socket files for communication with these postmasters are, by default, made in the current working directory. In that case you can use the -s option to put the socket files in some directory with a shorter path name. please use Is there any known 80-bit collision attack? This eliminates a coding hazard for extension modules that need to include stdbool.h. A fast upgrade reduces the risk of running out of disk space, but increases the Frame exclusion syntax was also added. PostgreSQL 9.6. What this does is to record the links created by pg_upgrade's link mode that connect files in the old and new clusters on the primary server. Copyright 1996-2023 The PostgreSQL Global Development Group. Add pg_verify_checksums tool to verify database checksums while offline (Magnus Hagander), Allow pg_resetwal to change the WAL segment size via --wal-segsize (Nathan Bossart), Add long options to pg_resetwal and pg_controldata (Nathan Bossart, Peter Eisentraut), Add pg_receivewal option --no-sync to prevent synchronous WAL writes, for testing (Michael Paquier), Add pg_receivewal option --endpos to specify when WAL receiving should stop (Michael Paquier), Allow pg_ctl to send the SIGKILL signal to processes (Andres Freund). (There will be a mismatch if old standby servers were shut down before the old primary or if the old standby servers are still running.) The release notes do not contain changes that affect only a few users or changes that are internal and therefore not user . Avoid recursive consumption of stack space while processing signals in the postmaster (Tom Lane). The above items are explained in more detail in the sections below. This also allows array_agg() to be used on domains. pg_upgrade launches short-lived postmasters in the old and new data directories. There appear to be no ill effects from omitting the call, so do that. Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. pg_upgrade --check will also outline any manual adjustments you will need to make after the upgrade. The default is enabled, meaning the leader will execute subplans. (They are usually small.) At the end of the migration, we can delete the subscription in our new master in PostgreSQL 11: Before using the logical replication, please keep in mind the following limitations: Keeping your PostgreSQL server up to date by performing regular upgrades has been a necessary but difficult task until PostgreSQL 10 version. The walsender process starts logical decoding of the WAL and loads the standard logical decoding plugin. Major PostgreSQL releases regularly add new features that often change the layout of the system tables, but the internal data storage format rarely changes. Remove deprecated adminpack functions pg_file_read(), pg_file_length(), and pg_logfile_rotate() (Stephen Frost). E.3.3. Why was this? There is also a web interface that shows changes to specific files. this form --old-bindir=bindir. They want a report to estimate times. Also print hints about how to exit when quit and exit are used alone on a line while the input buffer is not empty. This release contains a variety of fixes from 11.9. If you used link mode and have Streaming Replication (see Section27.2.5) or Log-Shipping (see Section27.2) standby servers, you can follow these steps to quickly upgrade them. Also allow PL/Perl, PL/Python, and PL/Tcl to handle composite-domain function arguments and results. If you have version 12, run: When the upgrade has successfully completed, you can safely delete the old database directory and reclaim lost disk space. A constant subquery output column isn't really constant if it is a grouping column that appears in only some of the grouping sets. Previously, the 16MB default could only be changed at compile time. The backup will only be taken for the schema, since the information will be replicated in the initial transfer. E.4. I know. Widen pg_stat_statement's query ID to 64 bits (Robert Haas). This extension is no longer considered to be a usable security tool or example of how to write an extension. This allows workers to reduce returned results and use targeted index scans. This was previously unsupported due to concerns over possible misuse. Unfortunately, rsync needlessly copies files associated with temporary and unlogged tables because these files don't normally exist on standby servers. However, if both interpretations are feasible, the column interpretation was always chosen, leading to surprising results if the user intended the function interpretation. Below you will find a detailed account of the changes between PostgreSQL 11 and the previous major release. If, after running pg_upgrade, you wish to revert to the old cluster, there are several options: If the --check option was used, the old cluster was unmodified; it can be restarted. Add an ecpg mode to enable Oracle Pro*C-style handling of char arrays. The BYPASSRLS attribute is only allowed to be changed by superusers, but other ALTER ROLE operations, such as password changes, should be allowed with only ordinary permission checks. Add PGXS support for installing include files (Andrew Gierth). Allow parallelization of commands CREATE TABLE AS, SELECT INTO, and CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW (Haribabu Kommi), Improve performance of sequential scans with many parallel workers (David Rowley), Add reporting of parallel workers' sort activity in EXPLAIN (Robert Haas, Tom Lane), Allow B-tree indexes to include columns that are not part of the search key or unique constraint, but are available to be read by index-only scans (Anastasia Lubennikova, Alexander Korotkov, Teodor Sigaev). This method has a lot of limitations when thinking of an upgrade, as you simply cannot create a replica in a different server version or even in a different architecture. With these new versions 10 and 11, PostgreSQL implements built-in logical replication which, in contrast with physical replication, you can replicate between different major versions of PostgreSQL. Add support for large pages on Windows (Takayuki Tsunakawa, Thomas Munro). You will have to read the release notes for all 11 versions you haven't kept up with. To make a valid copy of the old cluster, use rsync to create a dirty copy of the old cluster while the server is running, then shut down the old server and run rsync --checksum again to update the copy with any changes to make it consistent.
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