iowa state fairgrounds horse show
You can find rules and information for the each of the categories, available through the drop down menu, below. 2) Jackson Fork Ranch, Little Jackson Hole, Wyo. Email Horse Entries must be submitted online HyTSwoc [5laQIBHADED2mtFOE.c}088GNg9w '0 Jb Complete results below: PERCHERON/CLYDE Herdsmanship, Six or More Stalls - Perch/Clyde For 11 days in August, its a fairground. 20, 9sfd,A#A5D! 2023 With 24 different venues to choose from, acres of free parking, helpful event management professionals and a convenient location, the Iowa State Fairgrounds is perfect for you and your guests. endstream endobj 10 0 obj <>stream See why nothing compares to the Iowa State Fair. What better place to host your livestock show than the Iowa State Fairgrounds, home to Americas favorite fair as well as one of the worlds largest livestock shows? For 11 days in August, its a fairground. July 30. | Decorator Class -- 14 & Under - Clydesdale. Reserve) Soaring Eagle Farms, Springfield, Mo. 199 Best of Iowa . Competitive events at the Fair are grouped into categories. The Iowa State Fair is a showplace for animal agriculture in the state. Horse Barn. We also offer competitively priced admissions and ticketing infrastructure options as well as ample space for trailer and car parking at no additional charge. 2023 All exhibitors will follow the requirements outlined in 4-H Online and the 4H202: Animal Identification, Weighing, and Exhibiting Requirements for County, State and Interstate Shows 4-H, Clover Kids: All IDs must be entered in 4-HOnline by the species deadline of May 15th (with the . Completed in 2010, the Richard O. Jacobson Exhibition Center is a flexible venue with the versatility to host events ranging from livestock and trade shows to concerts and sporting events. Join our email club to get the inside scoop on Fair events and activities delivered right to your inbox! 2023 Custer / Fall River / Pennington County Horse Show 5/1/2023 - 6/18/2023 21, N')].uJr n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. Horse Show - Farm Team August 26, 2022 2022 Farm Team Results Draft horse and mule teams competed in the Farm Team competition held Friday, August 12, at the 2022 Iowa State Fair. Enjoy their gleaming coats, b. 2023 Judge A - 4) Ronald Henry, Zumbrota, Minn. Judge A - 5) Samantha Schoenfelder, Rochester, Minn. Judge B - 5) Samantha Schoenfelder, Rochester, Minn. AMHR Solid Color Stallion/Gelding - 34 & Under, Judge A - 4) Tamm Poffenberger, Bondurant, AMHR Stallion Foal of Current Year - Over 30 to 32, AMHR Stallion Grand Champion & Reserve - Over, Judge A - Res. AMHR Western Country Pleasure Driving - Under, AMHR Western Country Pleasure Driving Stake - Over, AMHR Western Country Pleasure Driving Stake - Under, AMHR Youth Country Pleasure Driving - Over, AMHR Youth Country Pleasure Driving - Under. Select a category Horse & Pony 2023 premium books will be posted April 1. 0000003564 00000 n During the Fair, the Exhibition Center plays host to some of the Fair's most popular events including the Cowgirl Queen Contest and the six-horse draft horse hitches. The state-of-the-art facility is fully climatized and includes a show arena, a covered warm-up arena and fixed seating . The animal displays and exhibits are intended to provide enjoyment and education for exhibitors and the general public. _____IOWA STATE FAIR AUGUST 12-22, 2021 FFA SCHEDULE 2 May Arrive Must Be In Place Entries Weighed/Checked Judging Released Must Be Out Meetings Ag Mech Tech Noon Tues., Aug. 10 7:00 pm Tues., Aug. 10 Following Exh . Iowa State Fairgrounds Iowa Horse Fair Booth number 215 in the Varied Industry Building. The 2022 Iowa State Fair Miniature Horse shows were judged August 14 through 16. 0000007077 00000 n Draft horse and mule show at the Plymouth County Fair in LaMars, Iowa on Saturday, July 30, starting at 9:00. endstream endobj 12 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj <>stream Click on the links below to get started: Corporate Meetings Livestock Events Sporting Events Weddings Questions? 0000006466 00000 n For more information on clinicians and events, $100 for adults, $75 for youth (Iowa Ranch Horse membership required). S -/(e:VEBS7o=Tb{=hlw =xUI)4YUZ!ed The three-day affair is being held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines and kicks-off Friday, March 26, and runs through March 28. You can find rules and information for the each of the categories, available through the drop down menu, below. If ya country William C. Knapp Varied Industries Building, Sep 21 - 4 0 obj <> endobj The fair's Chair, Chris Austin, said there's a little something for everyone ranging from clinics, to draft horse pulls, cart rides, mounted shooter, to stuff going on in the [] 3) Premier Machine Farm & Carriage, Princeton, Minn. Juvenile Driver Team -- 15-18 - Belgian/Shire, Juvenile Driver Team -- 14 & Under - Belgian/Shire, Draft Under Saddle - Western - Belgian/Shire, Draft Under Saddle - English - Belgian/Shire, 2) Crystal Creek Farm/ Black Rose Ranch, Prole, Gelding - Registered -- 4 Years & Over - Shire. AMHR Mare Junior Champion & Reserve - Over, Judge A - Reserve) Meyer Miniatures, Colesburg, Judge B - Reserve) Meyer Miniatures, Colesburg, AMHR Mare Junior Champion & Reserve - Under 33, AMHR Mare Senior Champion & Reserve - Under. All Rights Reserved. 2023 Judge A - Champion) Cheryl Johnson, Walton, Neb. | All Rights Reserved. For 11 days in August, its a fairground. 1:00 p.m.} 2:00 p.m. Rabbit Show (Swine Barn, goat show ring) . Grand) Taylor Heyer, Rock Rapids, Judge B - Res. All Rights Reserved. 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 2023 Iowa State Fairgrounds. 2023 Jake's Club, the second floor VIP area, can be used independently for business meetings, private parties or receptions. A non-profit organization raising funds to help preserve and improve the Iowa State Fairgrounds. The Fairgrounds can accommodate a variety of livestock and horse shows and boasts several venue options, including indoor and outdoor arena space, climate-controlled buildings and flexible stalling options. Grand) Windy Acres Clydesdales, Waterloo. HUMO0W1]vq(lB i6i|4 )0g@'iV&ny>EdHaJd9YnmAk9;JI$8S/H%>h\w9MQ$[m"7kc#S>VgK1p^PR[8aA>XU*+%\57]C2c NLHYKS}WYt-R.3/SrdT5"3=[(MZ(`(hpp2TJ[$#Y7(z8t_j[Cy6JV3mpHR5NWX5|f$@}@:|NRoiWiBzUzNmOtn_DyQO#J2zBo(1\W4E/#I\`BOYD Judge A - Reserve) Ronald Henry, Zumbrota, Minn. Judge B - Reserve) Ronald Henry, Zumbrota, Minn. AMHR Gelding Senior Champion & Reserve - Over, Judge A - Champion) Greg Palas, Story City, Judge B - Champion) Greg Palas, Story City, AMHR Gelding Senior Champion & Reserve - Under. All Breed Draft Horse & Mule Farm Team Competition - Friday, August 11 at 9:00 a.m. - Outdoor Arena Carriage TurnoutAntique Machinery or Vehicle Feed Team Race(Note: Classes 501, 504 and 503 will be ran at the same time in separate areas of the arena. 207. All livestock must be identified for eligibility to exhibit at the Webster County Fair. Vintage Postcard listed as "used" because of age. 2022 IOWA STATE FAIR - OPEN HORSE SHOW SCHEDULE * ticketed event . 0000001086 00000 n Judge A - 5) Out Back Training, Firth, Neb. endstream endobj 713 0 obj <. 2023 Judge B - 1) Samantha Schoenfelder, Rochester, Minn. Judge A - 2) Out Back Training, Firth, Neb. Free Breakfast served by Farm Credit Services of America Big Tent 9:00 a.m. 4-H/FFA Rabbit and Cavy (Guinea Pigs) Show Exhibit Building . You can also reach us by phone at 515/262-3111, ext. a9XV#QSg9[=xCSg5=xcS The Iowa Horse Fair 2023 Live on 24 - 26 March 2023. County Fair MOU Click here to access the County Fair Partnership Agreement via the ISU Extension Webpage. | Returns accepted. Advance admission tickets cost $9 for adults (ages 12 and up) and $5 for children (ages 6 to. As an agricultural institution, we are proud to share our rich heritage through livestock education, entertainment and competition. Judge B - 1) Cheryl Johnson, Walton, Neb. Because our utmost priority is the safety and health of the people of Iowa, please check below for up-to-date information regarding events on the Fairgrounds. 0000007944 00000 n 0000003947 00000 n endstream endobj 16 0 obj <>stream One of its best features is its prime location, directly connected to the warm-up arena of the Jacobson Exhibition Center. $50 non-refundable deposit due upon registration. 28 0 obj <>stream Potluck lunch beginning at Noon. | Decorator Class -- 14 & Under - Belgian/Shire, Showmanship at Halter -- 15-18 - Belgian/Shire, Showmanship at Halter -- 14 & Under - Belgian/Shire, Juvenile Driver Cart -- 15-18 - Belgian/Shire, Juvenile Driver Cart -- 14 & Under - Belgian/Shire. 1) Tim,Linda,Brad Klinger, Glenwood City, Wis. Horse Show: Clydesdale, Percheron and Draft Pony, 2022 Clydesdale, Percheron and Draft Pony Results. %%EOF cH HE All Rights Reserved, FFA Good Conduct Policy and Code of Show Ring Ethics, General Livestock Rules & Regulations - Code of Show Ring Ethics, Cowgirl Queen Rules, Information and Entry Form. 2023 See why nothing compares to the Iowa State Fair. Find out how to enter Cowgirl Queen and horse and pony competitions at the Iowa State Fair. All non-Fair events are solely the responsibility of the contracted event organizer and said organizer should be contacted for specific event information. Swine Barn Sheep Barn, Jun 22 - Draft Under Saddle Western Adult - Percheron, Draft Under Saddle English Adult - Clydesdale, Draft Under Saddle English Adult - Percheron, 1) Crystal Creek Farm/ Black Rose Ranch, Prole, Draft Under Saddle Western Youth -- 18 & Under - Clydesdale, Draft Under Saddle Western Youth -- 18 & Under - Percheron, Draft Under Saddle English Youth -- 18 & Under - Clydesdale. Receive the latest Iowa State Fair news and information with our e-newsletter! Yoder Hay Company of Westcliffe, Colo., won the shows Six-Horse Hitch Showdown of all breeds. 4) Stalhiem Farms/Brookside Farm, Amery, Wis. 3) Terry Stade Farms Inc, Shakopee, Minn. 6) Gardner Horse Training / Solomon's Clydesdales, Madrid. 0000004798 00000 n Society Horse Show | Iowa State Fair 2012 Iowa PBS 107K subscribers Subscribe 22K views 10 years ago It's always a delight to see these stunning horses take the ring and showcase their beauty.. Judge B - 1) Out Back Training, Firth, Neb. 0000043275 00000 n Many animal species, in addition to livestock, are on exhibition at the Fair. 0000010929 00000 n Vendor Show Friday: 8:00AM - 7:00 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00PM For more information on clinicians and events May 6 & 7, 2023 Afton, IA 2 Pointed Shows Saturday: 9 AM Sunday: 8 AM Union County Fairgrounds Res. The show was double-judged, meaning two judges independently evaluated each class resulting in two sets of placements for each. Champion) Tim,Linda,Brad Klinger, Glenwood City, Wis. Reserve) Amy and Tyrel Frey, Lakeview, Mich. Senior Champion & Reserve Stallion - Percheron, Grand Champion & Reserve Stallion - Percheron. | Judge A - 2) Samantha Schoenfelder, Rochester, Minn. Judge B - 2) Samantha Schoenfelder, Rochester, Minn. Judge A - 4) Samantha Schoenfelder, Rochester, Minn. Judge B - 4) Samantha Schoenfelder, Rochester, Minn. Judge A - 1) Royal Palas Miniatures, Story City, Judge B - 1) Royal Palas Miniatures, Story City. All non-Fair events are solely the responsibility of the contracted event organizer and said organizer should be contacted for specific event information. | Judge B - 6) Royal Palas Miniatures, Story City, AMHR Open Country Pleasure Driving - Under. Contact Greg Lammers 712-540-5889, or Dallas Vaughn 712-541-1295 for more information. !xfEo&;5gtZm'5'kQu&*AsUfyWdg~|uZf?xP|u.P,j:7/|:-.^^6u&NO8|N'Y%/ox i p)LUc5.qg*KvC9:$_oN'*h?e+r3ZodW1czmx50~h &.~Q&}9+e\uvh* C Grand) Soaring Eagle Farms, Springfield, Mo. Many attendees are not familiar with common standards of care for livestock, pets and other animals. Judge A - 1) Cheryl Johnson, Walton, Neb. 2H.AS>_lj5Hq 6bFc6elel[>=*beZf-i*! New Orleans Louisiana~Fair grounds~Horse Race @ Race Track~Linen Postcard. All open class livestock and horse entries must be submitted online. Judge B - 2) Out Back Training, Firth, Neb. 2023 The very best in Percheron and Clydesdale horses competed in the Richard O. Jacobson Exhibition Center August 18 through 21 at the 2022 Iowa State Fair. 3) Jackson Fork Ranch, Little Jackson Hole, Wyo. Grand) Spotlight Stables, Dayton, AMHR Gelding Junior Champion & Reserve - Over, Judge A - Champion) Meyer Miniatures, Colesburg, Judge B - Champion) Meyer Miniatures, Colesburg, Judge A - Reserve) Spotlight Stables, Dayton, Judge B - Reserve) Spotlight Stables, Dayton, AMHR Gelding Junior Champion & Reserve - Under, Judge A - Champion) Spotlight Stables, Dayton, Judge B - Champion) Spotlight Stables, Dayton. trailer 2023 Iowa State Fair. See why nothing compares to the Iowa State Fair. HVN0}Wc[UTi87* Judge A - 4) Royal Palas Miniatures, Story City. 6) Rock-n-hill Clydesdales, Kewaunee, Wis. Judge A - Grand) Cheryl Johnson, Walton, Neb. 2023 Elwell Family Food Center, May 06 - 4) Clark Family Orchards Inc., Palisade, Colo. 6) Creekside Acres / Blue Ribbon Specialties, Sumner, Grand Champion & Reserve Gelding - Percheron. Judge B - 4) Out Back Training, Firth, Neb. 3) Sun Fire Stables Dba Dlr Clydesdales, East Troy, Wis. Often used in conjunction with the Jacobson Exhibition Center, the majestic two-acre, 12-aisle Horse Barn is completely enclosed. wG xR^[ochg`>b$*~ :Eb~,m,-,Y*6X[F=3Y~d tizf6~`{v.Ng#{}}jc1X6fm;'_9 r:8q:O:8uJqnv=MmR 4 4) Gregglea/Alamar Clydesdales, Princeville, Ill. 1) Galloglas Clydesdales, Maple Park, Ill. 4) Prairieview Clydesdales, Milwaukee, Wis. 5) Prairieview Clydesdales, Milwaukee, Wis. The Committee endeavors to enhance the image of animal ownership, the Fair and to provide a positive experience for all involved. Various Fairgrounds Locations, Aug 10 - These events have included the National Junior High Finals Rodeo and the World Pork Expo as well as several smaller shows featuring everything from dogs and cats to pigeons and llamas. Horse Show - Belgian and Shire Draft Horse, 2022 Belgian and Shire Draft Horse Show Results. nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! AMHR Gelding Two Year Old - Over 33 to 37, AMHR Ladies Country Pleasure Driving - Over, AMHR Ladies Country Pleasure Driving - Under, AMHR Mare Foal of Current Year - 30 & Under, AMHR Mare Foal of Current Year - Over 30 to 32, AMHR Mare Grand Champion & Reserve - Over, Judge A - Grand) Spotlight Stables, Dayton, Judge B - Grand) Spotlight Stables, Dayton, Judge A - Res. Bring a dish to share. Iowa State Fair | Livestock Schedules & Judges Hours | Min BEST DAYS EVER Healthy Choices Home > Participate > Enter Contests and Competitions > Livestock Schedules & Judges Search Livestock Schedules *4-H and FFA arrival times are listed in the open class schedules.,, 3000 East Grand Ave 3) Clark Family Orchards Inc., Palisade, Colo. 2) Clark Family Orchards Inc., Palisade, Colo. 9) Hemmersbach Percherons LLC, Westby, Wis. 5) Clark Family Orchards Inc., Palisade, Colo. 8) Hemmersbach Percherons LLC, Westby, Wis. 2) Creekside Acres / Blue Ribbon Specialties, Sumner, Gelding - Registered -- 3 Years & Under - Clydesdale, Gelding - Registered -- 4 Years & Over - Clydesdale. Awards Presentation Pavilion Iowa 4-H Hall of . Judge B - 6) Cheryl Johnson, Walton, Neb. 01, 0000004397 00000 n endstream endobj startxref Gelding - Registered -- 3 Years & Under - Belgian, Herdsmanship, Six or More Stalls - Belgian/Shire, Herdsmanship, Five or Fewer Stalls - Belgian/Shire, High Point Youth - Junior - Belgian/Shire, High Point Youth - Senior - Belgian/Shire, Gelding - Registered -- 4 Years & Over - Belgian, Grand Champion & Reserve Gelding - Belgian, Res. Questions? 6) Rock-N-Hill Clydesdales, Kewaunee, Wis. 0 0000042724 00000 n Find the best Iowa State Fairgrounds venue to meet your event needs. 0000003153 00000 n Junior Champion & Reserve Mare - Clydesdale. HAn }N ,zS# J'.9}T8~RdZ1(iqyHvUO=SX{Y LBl Z K'J h6$N-cs2%.`*Wr{5:cj96 `{{ba}F`\_ Since missing last year, the theme for 2021 is "Worth the Wait". Grand) Meyer Miniatures, Colesburg, AMHR Mare Grand Champion & Reserve - Under. The Iowa State Fair has many shows to see, including miniature horses. State Fair Entry Department 515-262-3111 ext. 3UOu:w^Fo0.ffJ\ h Often used in conjunction with the Jacobson Exhibition Center, the majestic two-acre, 12-aisle Horse Barn is completely enclosed. Grand) Taylor Heyer, Rock Rapids, AMHR Stallion Grand Champion & Reserve - Under, AMHR Stallion Junior Champion & Reserve - Over, Judge A - Champion) Taylor Heyer, Rock Rapids, Judge B - Champion) Taylor Heyer, Rock Rapids, AMHR Stallion Junior Champion & Reserve - Under 33, Judge A - Reserve) Tamm Poffenberger, Bondurant, Judge B - Reserve) Tamm Poffenberger, Bondurant, AMHR Stallion Senior Champion & Reserve - Over, Judge A - Reserve) Greg Palas, Story City, Judge B - Reserve) Greg Palas, Story City, AMHR Stallion Senior Champion & Reserve - Under, AMHR Stallion Two Year Old - Over 33 to 37, AMHR Western Country Pleasure Driving - Over. "Size is Standard, approximately 3 x 5 inches. )Log Skidding Cultivator Competition Barnyard Horse Pull Farm Hitch Obstacle Best Matched Team 242 FFA 202 Click here to view. The state-of-the-art facility is fully climatized and includes a show arena, a covered warm-up arena and fixed seating for approximately 3,300. Under Management of IOWA STATE FAIR BOARD Chapter 173 - Code of Iowa IOWA STATE FAIR HORSE DEPARTMENT P.O. 19, The Iowa State Fairgrounds 3000 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50317 Directions, not that you need them What's this about? Competitive events at the Fair are grouped into categories. Halter on August 15h. Des Moines, Iowa 50317. | Following 4-H Horse Show (Jacobson Exhibition Center) {approx. startxref William C. Knapp Varied Industries Building, Dec 02 - 0000002136 00000 n 4) Hemmersbach Percherons LLC, Westby, Wis. 9) Crystal Creek Farm/ Black Rose Ranch, Prole. Livestock Identification. It's always a delight to see these stunning horses take the ring and showcase their beauty at the 2021 Iowa State Fair Society Horse Show. The Iowa State Fair is not responsible for the planning or programming of non-Fair events hosted on the Fairgrounds. %PDF-1.6 % endstream endobj 17 0 obj <>stream Junior Champion & Reserve Mare - Percheron. 1) Sun Fire Stables Dba DLR Clydesdales, East Troy, Wis. 4) Sun Fire Stables Dba DLR Clydesdales, East Troy, Wis. A non-profit organization raising funds to help preserve and improve the Iowa State Fairgrounds. There is a lot to see and do at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Various Fairgrounds Locations, Sep 29 - Contact Iowa 4-H Iowa State University State 4-H Youth Development Extension 4-H Youth Bldg 1259 Stange Rd Ames, IA 50011-1002. DES MOINES, Iowa Horses will be galloping about the Iowa State Fairgrounds this weekend. |