example of persuasive communication in a personal context

I feared the class because I would be giving up to four speeches, the most I have ever done. Remember, calls to action should be as specific as possible to help you capitalize on audience members motivation in the moment so they are more likely to follow through on the action. The main points of your persuasive speech and the supporting material you include serve as evidence. Analyze what makes this example effective. Coworkers may toast the successful completion of a big project. Aside from graciously welcoming the audience, you should also provide key information about upcoming events and acknowledge key participants. Such speeches are usually only one to two minutes long. Review the text of the tribute to Al Pacino at the following link: If you were to write a This I Believe speech, what would you write it on and why? Audience members will not be upset if you finish early, as they may have some last-minute things to do before the event gets started, and it doesnt hurt to get a little ahead of schedule, since things will inevitably get behind later on. Speakers should adapt their persuasive approach based on audience members orientation toward the proposal. Speaking about these topics invites others who hear us to think about their position in the world and reflect on their own responsibilities as communicators, which can spread advocacy and lead to social change. Family accomplishments usually entail discussing the loved ones the person is leaving behind or conveying the roles he or she played as a member of his or her family and friendship circles. Here are some guidelines for the This I Believe speech. Therefore we should take seriously opportunities to use our voices to speak publicly. Thoughts like What a freak! or Whats wrong with him? flew through my mind. When accepting an award, be gracious and humble, thank the group presenting the award, thank fellow nominees, and thank those who helped make your accomplishments possible. You also want to ensure that your topic is actually persuasive. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly. Students who pick narrow or unfamiliar topics will have to work harder to persuade their audience, but neutral audiences often provide the most chance of achieving your speech goal since even a small change may move them into agreement. Analyze what makes this example effective. Because of the informal or personal context, I was able to avoid long explanations or use of a specific tone (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). Value refers to the notion that each person in a communication encounter is worthy of recognition and that people are willing to step outside their own perspectives to better understand others. : an American History Introduction to Sociology Biological Science Fundamentals of Business Management CM220-M1-defining effective communication in different contexts Module 1 assessment defining effective communication in different contexts University Mispronouncing someones name is embarrassing for the speaker and the audience. Critical listeners dont just tear a message apart because it has flaws. Dont give an audience a chance to write you off before you even get to share your best evidence. Teaching is a form of advocacy, but you dont have to be a teacher to teach. You may not be able to switch someones position completely, but influencing him or her is still a success. StudyCorgi. You may inform an audience about an upcoming speaker during a speech of introduction or use humor to entertain during a toast. (Long Grove, IL: Waveland, 2003), 410. Remember, you are engaging in public speaking, not public reading. You could also have more than one cause that lead to the same effect or a single cause that leads to multiple effects. What is your reaction to the claim that persuasion includes Western and masculine biases? Describe an example of persuasive communication in a personal context. Paragraph 2 Putting your strongest argument last can help motivate an audience to action. In 2002, Halle Berry won an Academy Award for Best Leading Actress, making history as the first African American woman to earn that honor. Second, persuasive communication in the professional environment presupposes different target audiences, which means they need to select new strategies to achieve desired goals (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). As with a speech of tribute, focus on the persons personality and demonstrate why the person was likable and what he or she added to your life and the lives of others. When audience members disagree with the proposal, focus on establishing your credibility, build common ground with the audience, and incorporate counterarguments and refute them. Awkward and embarrassing toasts make funny scenes in movies and television shows, but they usually go smoother in real life, especially if you follow the previous advice. Persuasive speeches include the following propositions: fact, value, and policy. Each person in a communication situation is acknowledged to have a standpoint that is valid but can still be influenced through the offering of alternative perspectives and the invitation to engage with and discuss these standpoints (Ryan & Natalle, 2001). You may also be able to point out a weak warrant in an argument that goes against your position, which you could then include in your speech. The conclusion was that I needed speech therapy. You should also choose a topic that is important to you and to society as a whole. Competent speakers should consider their audience throughout the speech-making process. That power will not just change the people around me, but the whole world. Implement Cialdini's 7 principles of persuasion. (2022, March 29). If you keep using the site, you accept our. If there are hot-button issues for you that make you get fired up and veins bulge out in your neck, then it may be a good idea to avoid those when speaking in an academic or professional context. If possible, poll your audience to find out their orientation toward your thesis. "Persuasive Communication in Different Contexts." Keep in mind the introduction sets up an audiences expectations for the speaker. I am an example of the voices power to change. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Arguments form around three components: claim, evidence, and warrant. What work am I willing to do and what sacrifices am I willing to make to create and nurture that community? (Warren & Fassett, 2011) As speakers, we must seize opportunities we have to speak and use them to talk about socially significant topics that matter to us and our communities. For this reason, the persuasive communication in the personal context might mean avoidance of extra explanations or the background needed to justify a request or issue that should be discussed. Community accomplishments include civic engagement, community service, and local involvement. Getting integrated: This section discusses speaking in personal and/or civic contexts. In what situations might an invitational approach to persuasion be useful? This I BelieveEssay Writing Guidelines, accessed March 17, 2012. Special occasions are planned events, and a speaker is just one part of a program. - Identify the parts of the rhetorical situation. Good persuasive speech topics are current, controversial (but not inflammatory), and important to the speaker and society. Paragraph 2 Describe an example of persuasive communication in a professional context. I urge you to take action in two ways. 4.1 Principles and Functions of Nonverbal Communication, 5.4 Listenable Messages and Effective Feedback, 6.1 Principles of Interpersonal Communication, 6.2 Conflict and Interpersonal Communication, 6.3 Emotions and Interpersonal Communication, 6.4 Self-Disclosure and Interpersonal Communication, 8.2 Exploring Specific Cultural Identities, 8.4 Intercultural Communication Competence, 9.2 Researching and Supporting Your Speech, 10.2 Delivery Methods and Practice Sessions, 12.1 Speaking in Personal and Civic Contexts, 14.1 Leadership and Small Group Communication, 14.3 Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups, 15.1 Technological Advances: From the Printing Press to the iPhone, 15.2 Functions and Theories of Mass Communication, 16.3 New Media, the Self, and Relationships. Remember that concrete and proxemic supporting materials will help an audience find relevance in a topic. As with any speech, topic selection is important and is influenced by many factors. My friend, Garrett, told me, You did not stutter! It was then that I realized that when I talk about things I enjoy, I dont stutteras much. As you can see in the following example using the topic of global warming, the type of proposition changes the types of supporting materials you would need: To support propositions of fact, you would want to present a logical argument based on objective facts that can then be used to build persuasive arguments. Does your belief connect to public advocacy in some way? It means that all my followers, or friends, comprised the intended audience. Stiff, J., & Mongeau, P. (2016). The purpose of the given communicative act was to attract attention to my particular request and check if my friends can help to fulfill it. Identifying arguments that counter your thesis is also a good exercise to help ensure your topic is persuasive. Altogether, the choice of communication strategies critically depends on the context. First, raise awareness about this issue by talking to your own friends and family. When I was young, I didnt use my voice to speak at first. People are also compelled to speak about issues they care about, which may entail using persuasive strategies to advocate for a person, group, or issue. What are you doing? she asked. More than once, I have been asked to introduce a guest speaker at an event at the last minute. The claim is the statement that will be supported by evidence. Although you think life will be easier, things get worse as you experience abuse and mistreatment from the staff. For this reason, it is vital to be able to select an appropriate strategy that depends on the context and use it to guarantee that people will understand you. If so, what are they? Be clear and concise. Definitely make sure to announce any changes in the schedule so people can plan accordingly. One example of effective persuasive communication in the personal context entails the sending of an email to a friend, posting on social media, as well as communication to a child's teacher. Second, contact your representatives at the state and national level to let them know that elder abuse should be taken seriously and given the same level of importance as other forms of abuse. Let's start with credibility. If youve just been asked to introduce the guest because you are involved in the planning of the event, then you have hopefully been asked in advance and can take some time to get to know the person. The goal is to create a climate in which growth and change can occur but isnt required for one person to win an argument over another. Persuasive Communication. A short e-mail or phone call can help end the silence surrounding elder abuse. Persuade Much professional communication involves persuasion. This could be a memo, email, or presentation. I would use my hands to gesture what I wanted or needed. An inflammatory topic is one that evokes strong reactions from an audience for the sake of provoking a reaction. An example of this sort of communication is a social media post. Fingerprint evidence from the steering wheel that has been matched with a suspect is much more likely to warrant arrest. When presenting an award, state the name of the award and its purpose, connect the award to the values of the organization presenting it, describe the selection process, acknowledge the winner, share his or her qualifications, and connect him or her to the legacy of the award. You want to care about your topic, but you also want to be able to approach it in a way thats going to make people want to listen to you. This illustrates the importance of considering your organizational options early in the speech-making process, since the pattern you choose will influence your researching and writing. Analyze what makes this example effective and consider the expectations for professional communication in your field. Imagine living a full life, retiring, and slipping into your golden years. A speech of welcome is similar to a speech of introduction, but instead of introducing an audience to an upcoming speaker, you introduce the audience to upcoming events. Change happens when people choose to change, not when they are forced to change. Speeches of tribute can honor a group, organization, or concept but usually focus on one person. Hypothesis 1 (H1): Persuasive messages embedded in the context of user-generated viral videos will be more effective than persuasive messages embedded in the context of a PSA even when the message con-tent is held constant. In order to persuade, a speaker has to construct arguments that appeal to audience members. People arent attacked or reviled because their views diverge from ours. This view of communication acknowledges the power of our words to transform the world around us and that we have an ethical responsibility to advocate for a world that better serves the interests and needs of us all. A review done by Pornpitakpan (2004) on studies from 1950-2004 found that using highly credible sources resulted in more persuasion. In what situations might you want to rely on traditional models of persuasion? Following Persuasive speaking seeks to influence the beliefs, attitudes, values, or behaviors of audience members. Gearhart, S. M., The Womanization of Rhetoric, Womens Studies International Quarterly 2 (1979): 195201. Referencing your thesis statement often will help ensure that your speech is coherent. Rather than reducing the world to us against them, black or white, and right or wrong, invitational rhetoric encourages us to acknowledge human perspectives in all their complexity (Bone et al., 2008). This example also proves the critical importance of communication for different contexts as the employment of effective strategies helps to achieve enhanced results. Mention the shared benefits. As we have already discussed in this book, our voices are powerful, as it is through communication that we participate and make change in society. However, I stood up and began to speak: A,B,C,D, and so on. 3. Personal, professional, and academic environments have their own unique features that differentiate them. Primacy means putting your strongest information first and is based on the idea that audience members put more weight on what they hear first. When you have audience members who already agree with your proposition, you should focus on intensifying their agreement. However, over the next five years, my speech did improve. If you have a lot of people to thank, you may write that information out on a small card to reference, just so you dont leave anyone out. There are several steps in presenting an award, but the main goal of this speech is to enhance the value of the award and honor the person receiving it. 1. Offer a solution and persuade the audience that it is feasible and well thought out. First of all, the use of informal language is not appropriate because of the existence of hierarchical relations between employees and managers, and the need to observe a certain code of cooperation to avoid conflicts or misunderstandings. It might include the need for a detailed explanation of a request or proposal to guarantee that people will understand the background and the central purpose and be ready to accept the offered idea, policy, or course of action. Communication is a fundamental aspect of peoples lives as it guarantees successful cooperation and the ability to achieve particular goals. Then connect the winner to the legacy of the award by saying how they are similar to previous winners. In general, the anecdotal evidence from personal experience would be given a weaker warrant than the evidence from the national research report. When you are compelled to speak up in the face of an injustice that was committed against you or that you have witnessed being committed against others, you are choosing to take a stand, making a commitment to an issue, and accepting responsibility for your words and actions. Why or why not? She considered her audience of Facebook friends, mainly consisting of young people. Toasts are usually the shortest special-occasion speech, which is good since peoples arms get tired if they have to hold their drink up in the air for too long. Once you know, you can take small steps, as Gandhi noted, to be the change you want to see in the world. Establish credibility and trust. This is a process that helps build communities and alliances. Foundation of Persuasion Persuasive speaking seeks to influence the beliefs, attitudes, values, or behaviors of audience members. Announce the winner and pause to allow the audience to acknowledge him or her before continuing on with the speech; however, dont bring the person up until you are ready to hand over the award, as it creates an awkward situation (WestsideToastmasters.com, 2012). The examples of persuasive communication in different contexts are all effective in their own way. The following are some examples of thesis statements that correspond to various organizational patterns. This helps explain to the audience why the winner is deserving of the honor. You can reference the program, but allow them to read it on their own. Adapt your message to the medium. This strategy can be especially useful when addressing an audience that disagrees with your proposition, as you can try to win them over early. Since a welcome speaker is usually the first speaker of the day and the proceeding sessions are timed, this is definitely an occasion where brevity will be appreciated. Try to memorize most of the content to make the speech look genuine and spontaneous. The pattern is more fitting for persuasive speeches when the relationship between the cause and effect is controversial or unclear. You can evaluate arguments that you come across in your research by analyzing the connection (the warrant) between the claim and the evidence. The six components and their public speaking analogs are: Transmitter Speaker Channels Senses: speech, hearing, seeing, etc. According to the American Psychological Association, one to two million elderly US Americans have been abused by their caretakers. It would begin the next year. The first step in preparing a speech of introduction is to get to know the person youre introducing. Warren, J. T., and Deanna L. Fassett, Communication: A Critical/Cultural Introduction (Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 2011), 39. Identify the parts of the rhetorical situation. Retrieved from https://studycorgi.com/persuasive-communication-in-different-contexts/, StudyCorgi. Ceremonial speeches usually occur as part of a program, so brevity is important. Defence Images Prince Harry at the Invictus Games Opening Ceremony CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. By the time I reached middle school, life was getting better. Persuasive communication (3rd ed.). Arguments form around three components: claim, evidence, and warrant. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. A eulogy, like a speech of tribute, shouldnt be a chronological outline of a persons life or a biographical sketch (Lustig, 2012). I listened outside as a peaceful meeting turned into a shouting match. Either way, take time to write out an acceptance speech. This I Believe speeches encourage people to speak from a personal context in a way that inspires others and crosses into civic engagement. This could be a memo, email, or presentation. People are often required or expected to speak as part of their academic or professional duties. Some toasts are practically spontaneous and will therefore have to be impromptu. For instance, it is allowed to use informal language when talking to friends. This chapter can serve as a guide for how public speaking will pop up in your life once youve completed this class. Developing your communication skills will help you navigate your work more effectively, build better relationships and thrive during increasingly challenging and changing times. Speech after speech, I became less sensitive to my impairment and to peoples reaction. When facing a disagreeable audience, the goal should also be small change. For change to happen, all parties in an interaction need to be open to dialogue, growth, and transformation (Foss & Foss, 2003). When delivering a eulogy, prepare a well-organized speech so you can still communicate clearly and comfort others despite your own emotions. Also share some information about the organization or group that is bestowing the award. Propositions of fact focus on establishing that something is or isnt or is true or false., Propositions of value focus on persuading an audience that something is good or bad, right or wrong, or desirable or undesirable.. If you can clearly and easily identify a competing thesis statement and supporting reasons, then your topic and approach are arguable. Arguments form around three components: claim, evidence, and warrant. https://studycorgi.com/persuasive-communication-in-different-contexts/. The first meeting my parents had with my teacher proved that my voice did have an effect on my education. Advocacy speaking occurs in contexts that are civic and/or personal, such as at a city council meeting, at a student group meeting, when you post a link on your Facebook page asking your friends to sign a petition, or when you encourage your friends to vote. Elder abuse is a common occurrence, and unlike child abuse, there are no laws in our state that mandate complaints of elder abuse be reported or investigated. A speech of introduction also helps set the tone for the upcoming speaker and establish a relationship between the audience and speaker (Toastmasaters International, 2012). Please take one at the end of my speech. Determine if your speech is primarily a proposition of fact, value, or policy. We produce and receive persuasive messages daily, but we dont often stop to think about how we make the arguments we do or the quality of the arguments that we receive. You may also want to describe the selection process. In an academic context, persuasive . Identify strategies for effectively composing and delivering a This I Believe speech. Propositions of fact focus on beliefs and try to establish that something is or isnt. Propositions of value focus on persuading audience members that something is good or bad, right or wrong, or desirable or undesirable. Propositions of policy advocate that something should or shouldnt be done. Although most communication classes cover informative and persuasive speaking more than ceremonial speaking, I have had many students tell me after taking the class that the guidelines they learned for speaking on special occasions have been very useful for them. As an advocate and a competent communicator, what can you do to try to maintain a critical mind-set that is both open minded and wary? Your first steps toward advocacy may be small and uncomfortable. The data provided evidence of an indirect relationship between media context and persuasive efficacy mediated through subjective evaluations of the message and social identification with the . Special-occasion speeches should always be brief, unless otherwise noted. Current and controversial topics will be more engaging for your audience. This study found that Elaboration Likelihood Model studies are trending upward among persuasive communication studies in the context of social media. Every time I give a speech, I remember the past. The power of the human voice shaped my life. Identify the parts of the rhetorical situation. You could have a two-point speech that argues from cause to effect or from effect to cause. If the warrant is strong, you may want to highlight that argument in your speech. Considering the peculiarities of this group and the context in general, formal means of communication are preferred as they ensure the absence of biases or misunderstandings (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). Beyond this potential direct effect, our study examined the indirect mechanisms responsible for this effect. Just as a heavy metal warm-up band wouldnt be a good setup for Celine Deon, a humorous and lighthearted introduction for a speaker with a serious topic would create an inconsistency in tone that could be uncomfortable for the speaker and the audience. Students end up with speeches that arent very persuasive in nature if they dont think of their main points as reasons. An additional and more implicit warrant is that people shouldnt do things they know are unsafe. Speeches of tribute shouldnt be biographical sketches. Rather than move these audience members from disagreement to agreement, you can focus on moving them from agreement to action. Given that persuasive messages seek to directly influence the audience in some way, audience adaptation becomes even more important. Identify strategies for choosing a persuasive speech topic. If your persuasive speaking goals include a call to action, you may want to consider this organizational pattern. [1] You can listen to and/or read many examples of these speeches at the following National Public Radio link: http://www.npr.org/series/4538138/this-i-believe. This I Believe speeches encourage people to use the power of their voice to speak from a personal context in a way can inspire, motivate, and resonate with others. You should also establish the speakers credentials and credibility. - Analyze what makes this example effective and consider the expectations for professional communication in your field. The proposition of your speech is the overall direction of the content and how that relates to the speech goal. Identify strategies for effectively composing and delivering the following ceremonial speeches: speech of introduction, presenting an award, accepting an award, toast, speech of tribute, and eulogy. Effective communication skills encompass both verbal and non-verbal cues, such as adapting your body language, facial expression and tone of voice, to offer a passionate and clear message. Choosing a speech topic that has implications for society is probably a better application of your public speaking skills than choosing to persuade the audience that Lebron James is the best basketball player in the world or that Superman is a better hero than Spiderman. However, arguing that the restrictions on blood donation by men who have had sexual relations with men be lifted would be controversial. Create an outline, and structure the speech with an introduction, a body with about three main points, and a conclusion. It wasnt because I didnt know it, but because I couldnt say it. When an audience is hostile to your proposition, establishing credibility is even more important, as audience members may be quick to discount or discredit someone who doesnt appear prepared or doesnt present well-researched and supported information. Given these reasons, it should be clear that even though ceremonial speeches are brief and dont require the research of other speech types, they still require planning, good content, and good delivery. For this reason, the email to a boss should be composed using the existing rules and basics of professional communication. Even if the belief you are focusing on is abstract, and many are, ground it in events from your life that your audience can relate to. Take the audience beyond your solution and help them visualize the positive results of implementing it or the negative consequences of not. What might you do differently next time? You may want to communicate directly with the person and ask them a couple questions that you think the audience might find interesting but arent included in the typical bio. Choosing such topics may interfere with your ability to deliver a speech in a competent and ethical manner. Persuasive Communication in Different Contexts. Aside from establishing your credibility, you should also establish common ground with an audience. Next, share the qualifications of the person receiving the award. So, I started to say it over; I failed. Communication in the Real World by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Hook the audience by making the topic relevant to them. Describe an example of persuasive communication in a personal context. How can you tell? Minimum Submission Requirements Welcome speeches are often allotted more time than is needed, but do not feel obligated to fill that time. Identify strategies for adapting a persuasive speech based on an audiences orientation to the proposition. Evidence, also called grounds, supports the claim. Word choicethe words and phrases you decide to useis crucial in persuasive writing as a way to build a personal relationship with the reader. "Persuasive Communication in Different Contexts." In this section, well learn the components of an argument, how to choose a good persuasive speech topic, and how to adapt and organize a persuasive message. Even when accepting an award, speakers will spend most of their speech talking about others rather than them. It wasnt until my teacher gave me my progress report that my parents saw how my voice altered my education. For instance, if the parent of a schoolchild puts up a social media post highlighting the need for sidewalks near the school so as to ensure safety for his or her kids, it would classify as a personal persuasive communication. Identify the parts of the rhetorical situation. Persuasion can be verbal and visual, written, spoken, and imaged.

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example of persuasive communication in a personal context

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