thomas brown canadian tx autopsy

He was wearing glasses. I was simply bewildered. Ill never lose that hope. Everybodys going to have an opinion. BREAKING NEWS. Shortly after the car was found and with a minute amount of investigation (as listed above), Nathan Lewis called Pennys husband Chris (Toms stepfather) and said that he suspected Tom had killed himself. Man: You need to get out of Canadian, Klein. Rachel Kading: I think that collectively as a group, at the AGs office, we just felt that it was important to put out some facts. In early 2019, according to Klein's company, his remains were found near Lake Marvin about 19 miles. 18 year old Thomas Brown went missing from Canadien, Texas on November 23, 2016. . We were told that he would not be taking one. During the presentation, Klein did propose his version of the cases timeline though notably there were inconsistencies with the Attorney Generals report, and the meeting was dotted with heated exchanges between himself and others from the community. Woman: You should stop throwing splatter at a board, or at a wall, okay? Episode Nine: Another Day in Canadian.. Rachel Kading: I dont think we can go there. Tom Brown's Body is a Texas Monthly production. He was the one who took Toms brother out to search on the night that Tom went missing (!). Skip Hollandsworth: And whats your answer at this point? There was a junior high school football game going on at the stadium. Where was hehmmmhmmmmhmmmm He is arrogant and his stories just arent making sense. In 2016 a popular teenager disappeared in the . Volunteer searchers on Lake Marvin Road allegedly found bones in a bucket (!) Sheriff Lewis and deputy Pyne Gregory pick Chris Jones, whos now in prison, up, and they take him, blindfolded, on a thirty-minute drive. It showed no signs of damage from rain or ice storms, which meant it had to have been planted shortly before the search began. At around 6 PM on November 23, 2016, Tom left home in his car to hang out with a few of his friends. "The evidence that we found clearly indicts that he did not. This included evidence related to manner of death, cause of death, or evidence of a specific suspect. By the train tracks. As for Penny, she says shes not giving up on her investigation, either. We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. These billboards were almost immediately vandalized. . I dont know the truth about what happened to Thomas, but I know the truth about where I was. This data cannot be transferred from phone to phone because it contains internal applications that are connected to the IMEI of the device purchased from Verizon Wireless, The search for a suicide hotline occured at 9:11 p.m. Points from the Attorney Generals conclusion in the case summary included that a suspended case is still considered open, and no other documents outside the published summary would be released at this time. Following the months of conflict between the Sheriffs office and the Brown family, on January 26, 2018, Sheriff Nathan Lewis put in a formal request to the Texas Attorney Generals Office. Tom Brown did not commit suicide. And if she did have her sons phone, how exactly did she get it? This past fall, word spread through Canadian that Klein would be calling a town hall meeting. There has been no record of this being investigated. Penny Meek and Phillip Klein stated that they were shown a photo of Thomas Brown at the gas pumps at Fronks Oil and Gas on the night of his disappearance by Nathan Lewis. When Penny Meek was first interviewed by HSCO, she stated that she believed her son had committed sucide by playing the choking game.. There are no suspects or persons of interest in the case, as far as I know, and no cause of death has been released. Where Are Tom Browns Mom and Brother Now. . Choosing her words carefully, she explained to me why there had been so much uncertainty around calling a grand jury. Could this discrepancy have something to do with why Nathan Lewis asked for Toms phone passcode before a phone was found? Executive producer is Megan Creydt. Fact. The mother is right with her intuition. I noticed people inching forward in their seats. And hes like, Im gonna kill you. You know, hecocked the gun back. He didn't do it. Im just wasting my time. Or Hospital Scapegoat? In November 2019, Klein Investigations released another update: In November 2019, Nathan Lewis resigned from his post as Hemphill County Sheriff. Thomas Kelly "Tom" Brown, 18, of Canadian went missing on November 23, 2016. . Rachel Kading: Yes. Penny insisted to me that she still has no idea how Tom died or how his body ended up off Lake Marvin Road. Brown's remains were found in January. From a warranted search to Apple, Inc., Thomas Browns iCloud account had very little data while Tucker Browns account had thousands of photographs, messages, and other data. Lucy Letby- Killer Nurse? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. . Tom was a popular student and he had many friends. So the district attorney and the state attorney generals office actually considered indictments of multiple people. Throughout the investigation, evidence has been discovered and obtained by various agencies and thoroughly analyzed. The Walking Bridge, just outside of Canadian, is one of the places where Tom was last seen. Its late October, 2021, and two hundred people are packed into a meeting hall in the small town of Canadian, Texas, to hear the latest news regarding Tom Brown, who mysteriously disappeared nearly five years earlier. The area where the phone was found had been recently mowed and had been mowed several times over the summer. Thomas Brown was an 18-year old student at Canadian High School in November 2016. If Penny and her family seemed to be the target of the attorney generals investigation, why would they want a grand jury to be convened? I asked Kading about one of Kleins stories: that Tom possibly had been shot in the football stadium parking lot. Canadian residents have come forward since Toms disappearance to tell Penny that the believed Nathan Lewis was harassing Tom. Just wanted to let everyone know that there's a search happening right now at marvin lake in Canadian Texas. Heres Chris talking long-distance to Caroline Gear on a prison telephone. his remains were found near Lake Marvin about 19 miles east of Canadian. So you can go get indictments, which are very easy to get, but to not have the trial evidence, its unethical and it doesnt serve the victim. Penny Meek: I dont even know where it is, to be honest. J.K. Nickell is our editor and Paul Knight is our fact-checker. Last week, two events shed new light on the case, and on the continuing dispute over what is fact, and what is simply conjecture or misdirection. It had an indention in the ground where the backpack was sitting. No items found near the skeletal remains or the Durango that could be attributed to the method of committing suicide. Im your writer and host, Skip Hollandsworth. 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This is just speculation. A high school seniors sudden disappearance in the small town of Canadian, Texas, led to a high-profile inquiry that had the family and the sheriffs department at odds. and were instructed to turn them over to a Deputy. He was found January 9, 2019 in Hemphill County. Then when the remains were discovered the man committed suicide because he couldnt face the truth coming out. Why is that? Im probably just going to keep doing what Im doing. Why wouldnt you let people see what you had? Money from oil, gas, politics and cattle funnel through the two stoplight town. I will attempt to list the occurrences here in chronological order (please contact our facebook page if you have anything you think needs to be added). Skip Hollandsworth: And did you find any evidence that suggested he was not home all night? Skip Hollandsworth: Do you feel like people want you to quit and leave town so people will forget, so Canadian can get past the Tom Brown episode? Would you want someone like me investigating it? After Toms disappearance, the authorities and loved ones conducted an extensive search for him in the surrounding areas. How can this case go unsolved? Nathan Lewis now denies that this photo ever existed. Although it is not impossible the phone had been outside since November 2016, it is not probable. Thomas Brown, a teenager in Canadian, went missing the night before Thanksgiving in 2016. The 18-year-old was described as having a funny and lighthearted personality. This Thanksgiving 2021 will mark the fifth anniversary of the still-unsolved disappearance and death of CHS senior Thomas Brown. Incredibly, the phone was in perfect condition. Please pray that Toms killer is found and brought to justice. And at the bottom of the sign was Toms photo. Cassidyy Published: March 7, 2019. And he was like, if you dont do that, he was gonna kill me. Link copied Jan. 16, 2019, 10:12 PM UTC Criminal intent for Tampering with Evidence cannot be established. What Chris is saying is that Lewis had told the teenager hed be killed if he didnt move to town and play for the Canadian Wildcats. F. Why did Lewis and Gregory deny volunteers and the private investigators access to searching the area where Toms remains were found?G. ORIGINAL STORYCanadian, Texas (population 2,649) is a small, prosperous town in the Texas panhandle. So, lets just say, a hypothetical. Klein later told law enforcement that he did not, and that he thought Penny Meek had taken down the account. Just about everyone assumed he would announce the names of the teenager and the father who were involved in the parking-lot shooting. Third is my friend Tucker Brown; thats Toms brother. ABC 7 has pored over piles of documents and shows why that hope might be questioned by Canadian teen Thomas Brown's family. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. If a grand jury had been called, Kading possibly could have gotten more answers out of Toms family. I cant believe a record search of re registered 25 call. When I had talked to Tucker more than a year ago, he had told me the reason he wouldnt sit for a polygraph examination was because such tests are very unreliable. Thomas brother Tucker was home for Thanksgiving and the two had been enjoying spending time together. The Texas Rangers have more resources. Caroline Gear: Hold on, hold on, okay, so Nathans the one that asked you to come and play there? Deer did not shed antlers in Canadian, TX until March and April of this year. There is never an unplug event the rest of the evening suggesting that the event was the result of a built-in battery charging case attached to the phone and not another type of charging source that would require an unplug event before the phone could be moved. Skip Hollandsworth: Has he said, You know what, Im tired of the public scrutiny, lets get out of Canadian?. Penny has never seen the phone that was recovered but according to the Hemphill County Sheriff, the phone that is now to this day still at the crime lab is Toms. The . For those of you that do not know Penny, Penny is the mother of Thomas Brown. Philip Klein: I think were fixing to get the signal; were good. thomas brown canadian, tx autopsy. Rachel Kading: Theres no evidence that the sheriffs office asked her for the passcode. Youll recall that Klein is the outspoken private investigator who works for Toms mother, Penny. in https login mancity com device. It could be five years from today. Executive producer is Megan Creydt. Were here to figure out how an eighteen-year-old died. It could be the twenty-year anniversary. Skip Hollandsworth: And her answer was registered by the lie detector examiner as deceptive. Kading said nothing. It was said he had been murdered, stuffed into a wood chipper by a notorious methamphetamine dealer. However, Tom and his belongings were still missing. Deputy Pyne Gregory, explain why he was looking for deer antlers on County time (tax payers money) and on Federal land when he found Tom remains? I headed to Main Street, and stopped at an empty lot. That night, they met at the middle school and rode around.. Ten days after Tom went missing, Penny was shown a photo of him where he was getting gas on the night he disappeared. You know, the same type of bullet found in Toms vehicle.. Sheriff Lewis needs to be investigated. It disappeared?H. But despite numerous searches, there was no sign of Tom. Everybody good? There were no calls indicated from 11:20pm Wednesday to 2:30 am on Thursday. Just before midnight, he said goodbye. He declared that he and his team of investigators had been talking to another witness who had a whole new story to tell about Toms death. Skip Hollandsworth: And. I hear your anger. Yet those rumors went nowhere. And because of the bags condition, it didnt provide any clues. According to the Casefile Podcast, the night went something like this: The search for Tom began immediately after he disappeared. Hemphill County received around 26 inches of rain from Nov. 24, 2016 to Oct. 14, 2017. Kading says thats not true. She told the police that it was possible Tom killed himself but added that he did not seem depressed on the day of his disappearance. Caroline Gear: And when he took the goggles off, are you telling me that Thomas was still alive? That these two individuals found out that he may know something about it; that they basically kidnapped him, strapped him to a chair; that they shot him up with drugs and told him that if he ever told anybody, that they would kill him. Panhandle radio host Chris Samples spent his entire three-hour morning show lambasting the private investigator. Please look back to June 2015 when Nathan Lewis was not with Hemphill County Sheriff Office, but stopped Tom and friends while they were walking and made Tom get in the vehicle with him. Powered by VIP. Brown was last seen on Wednesday evening November 23, 2016, at 11:40 p.m. at a gas station inside the town of Canadian, Texas. At the least, unprofessional and incompetent (before medical examiner results). So it was decided that we would not do the grand jury for that reason, and we would just continue to work on the case. Penny was not made aware of the discovery of the backpack by the Sheriffs office until five days after it was found. Read earlier chapters and learn more about the. On October 14, 2017 a gun holster was found. The lack of answers in the case has been a point of contention throughout the investigation. Chris Jones: And he was like, Im gonna show you something. Thomas Browns belongings found in various places miles apart along Lake Marvin Road and not found together with the Dodge Durango or the skeletal remains as one would expect in an apparent suicide. But were not here, like I said earlier, to make you feel good. Indeed, as the meeting began, Klein teased that he was ready to reveal everything. The Texas Rangers also have never seen this photo. John Spong writes primarily about popular culture. You might remember that only weeks after that fateful Thanksgiving eve, Penny had asked a couple of Toms friends if they knew the password to Toms phone, which was then still believed to be missing. Tucker Brown: Im the fifth-generation person from Canadian. and the hours-long Wednesday presentation from Private Investigator Phillip Klein left a glut of allegations and evidence to sort through in the case of Thomas Brown. In October 2017, Klein conducted a search around Lake Marvin Road, near where Toms backpack was found. Were they convinced that another story line might emerge? Taylor Prewitt is the newsletter editor for Texas Monthly. The Hemphill County Sheriffs Office was shut down for over 24 hours while investigators of the OAG physically searched the office and forensically downloaded and analyzed target computers and the server. Hes been interviewed how many times? Thomas was a high school senior, class president, and state champion football player when he went missing the day before Thanksgiving in 2016. He was a successful football player and enjoyed drama and acting. CANADIAN, Texas (KFDA) - Klein Investigations, the private firm investigating the death of Thomas Brown, says it anticipates moving into the prosecution phase of the case by the end of this year . And did she, months later, plant the phone by Lake Marvin Road, where it was found? I want all of you to think: What if it was your child? That area had been flown by helicopters the south part of that area had been run by our guys, by trace sergeant and her dog, said Klein. Penny Meek: And so, I guess peoplepeople are always going to think what they want to think, in every circumstance. At one point, he said he had received information that Tom had been accidentally shot by another teenager in the parking lot of the high school football stadiumand that the teenagers father, as well as Sheriff Lewis, had helped hide Toms body to avoid a scandal. Dog and cat antibiotics are medications prescribed by a veterinarian that can help treat a bacterial infection. One time she wrote about sports. Other than have reporters like me come up and show up at your dining room table? He got into fights and was eventually kicked out of high school after that 2016 season. During our interview, she did confirm rumors that she had spoken with the countys district attorney, Franklin McDonough, about the possibility of convening a grand jury to look into Toms death. One set of indistinguishable footprints also led up to the backpack. Philip Klein: I see it; I hear it. Michael and Tom were close friends. Please explain why it took a deputy an hour and fifty minutes to respond from the time dispatch was called to arriving at Toms mothers home. Chris Samples: Try to get your brain around this one. The remains do not support any finding in the cause or manner of death. Klein said that one of his top investigators, Caroline Gearwho also happened to be Kleins daughterbegan talking to Chris after he was sent to prison. We dont sit in an office. Skip Hollandsworth: So up in Canadian, as we speak, right now, half that town thinks he was murdered. Penny Meek: Yes. Skip Hollandsworth: And he did not take one. Cant answer that? At the meeting, Toms family sat in the front row. Thomas was reported to have missed his curfew and was subsequently reported missing. The father (Caseltine) kills himself with a 25 CALIBER gun, the same EXACT caliber of bullet casing that was found in the vehicle of thomas brown and the ATM card of MICHAEL Caseltine was found in the vehicle of thomas brown. Additional production on this episode by. NEDERLAND, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) - According to a Friday afternoon statement released by Klein Investigations and Consulting, the family of Thomas Brown, a teenager from Canadian, Texas who went . So the door is always open at our office for any information, for anything that will bring resolution to this case. Skip Hollandsworth: What were other stories Chris Jones told you or others about what happened that night? When they get out to wherever they were, they remove the blindfold, and Jones testifies that he sees out in front of car, the day after Tom Brown went missing, Tom Brown tied to a chair in front of the cop car. Texas Monthly Is Nominated for Two 2023 Media Awards by the James Beard Foundation. To get a pair of high-waisted jeans that are as comfortable as they are fashionable, find a pair with added elastane, Lycra or spandex. . Finally, he came to the part of his presentation about new evidence. Im sorry I have to show you corruption in your city. Following forensic testing, on January 16, the remains were identified as belonging to Tom. During the investigation, Penny Meek told law enforcement that Phillip Klein had taken down the Facebook account. We get out there with our water bottles, and we get our butts out there in the streets and we find out whats going on. No evidence was found to support that the photo existed on any HCSO equipment at any time. During our conversation, Penny was sitting with Tucker at the dining room table. However, it was unclear if anyone got out of the car. Thomas Brown is an 18 year old male missing from the Texas Panhandle town of Canadian, Texas. Thomas Brown, a teenager in Canadian, went missing the night before Thanksgiving in 2016. CANADIAN, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) The private investigators hired by Thomas Brown's family, Klein Investigations and Consulting, presented what they have to the community on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 6 p.m. Phillip Klein, the lead investigator, said nothing was off-limits other than two areas to protect the identity of two parties. You know, I lived there about [unclear]. Tucker said he was already so distraught over Toms death that he was worried his answers would come across as evasive. 4 to 1 ratio in cups; No Result . Why didnt Lewis call in the Texas Rangers Thursday morning when the Durango was found. And hes like, Here, put on this pair of goggles, and I put them on. It's impossible, there is no way in the timeline for him to do it," added Klein. Chris Jones: . Did they believe Tom had been killed by more than one person? Because of the amount of public interest in this case, the amount of time that has elapsed, and the amount of erroneous information that has circulated around the investigation, we believe it is necessary to be open and transparent about the facts in this case. Rachel Kading: I mean, the one that sticks out is, he told the sheriffs office at some point that two Hispanic people in town were responsible for this death and that it was connected to the Mexican Mafia, or to a cartel. These people are true victims. Philip Klein: I want you to hear what this boy says, and then compare it to what I just told you, which is fact! Tucker has said that a usually locked gate was unlocked and Gregory did not want to drive and search the area. Thomas Brown went missing from Canadian November 2016 (kfda) By Cassie Stafford Updated: Jan. 17, 2019 at 8:50 AM PST CANADIAN, TX (KFDA) - We are learning more on the discovery of. His report about the video was not written until January 2018. Pyne Gregory (who searched for Tom and who coincidently discovered his remains). The outgoing teenager loved football and had been exploring theater as well. The Texas Attorney General has suspended the investigation into the death of Thomas Brown. In the fall of 2016, Tom was still playing football for the Canadian High Wildcats. We have theories, obviously. This story is developing. She still employs Philip Klein to look for evidence that Tom was murdered. March 2023 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Someone had urinated on the ground outside the vehicle. Chris said he never saw Tom again. My husband did not do anything to Thomas. He is a very unreliable witness. I want you to see these folks not as people of. And his story hasnt changed once. Skip Hollandsworth: Chris Meek, her husband, was asked the same set of questions, correct? If you go through a grand jury and you have an indictment, but you dont have enough to convict somebody at trial, its just not ethical to do that. What am I going to do? Where is the photo that Lewis showed Penny of Tom pumping gas? Mr. Lewis was unprofessional. Is there a serial killer in Austin, Texas? She did not answer the question. On the night before Thanksgiving, 2016, Tom went cruising around town with his friends. Toms disappearance became the mystery of the Texas Panhandle. The rogue cop had it in for her son (whybecause he quit playing football??) Eight months later, in October 2017, his iPhone was found during a search of Lake Marvin Road that had been organized by Philip Klein. Were the only people that have found anything. Tuesday marks the 5th anniversary of Thomas Brown's disappearance from Canadian. The sheriffs department is also shady, at the very least they are very incompetent, if not involved somehow. Furious with Klein, some members of the audience let loose. Canadian, Texas (population 2,649) is a small, prosperous town in the Texas panhandle. Chris was at work. Which, impossible. Editors Note: Thomas Brown was 17-years-old when he went missing from the small close-knit community of Canadian, Texas, nestled in the northeast corner of the Texas Panhandle. This past Thanksgiving eve, on the fifth anniversary of Toms disappearance, Penny, Chris, Tucker, and a few friends gathered outside the district attorneys office. A new Cold Case and Missing Persons Unit formed within the Office of the Texas Attorney General has been involved in its first case the unsolved death of Canadian teen Thomas Brown. . Im the senior investigator from a company called Klein Investigations and Consulting and Texas Professional Bodyguards LLC out of Nederland, Texas. I asked her if she has ever been to the spot where Toms remains were found. And hes like, Are you ready? Im like, Man whats going on? So I take off the goggles and he hits these lights, and theres Toms sitting in front of ustheres Toms sitting in front of us; hes in a chair. Thomas Brown declined, according to the witness, their offer to help him get therapy and drive him to Amarillo for confidentiality because he did not want to tell his mother and he was still a minor. When I talked to Kading, it was clear she didnt know whether the case would ever be solved either. At the least, Penny told me, she would like to give her son a proper burial. The Canadian River was searched into Oklahoma. Multiple witnesses stated Thomas Brown struggled with his mental health surrounding issues concerning his family history and his faith. You have seen Gregorys name before. No evidence to back these two theories up. While a significant development, the computer didnt provide any further insight into what might have happened to Tom. There were dark, ugly stories that the countys young sheriff, Nathan Lewis, was involved in Toms disappearance. What is the status of the case that the DA handed to the AG regarding Lewis that is not related to the Tom Brown case? The. . Nathan Lewis showed her that photo and Penny confirmed it was Tom. The brothers shared an iCloud account. Remains found near Lake Marvin in Texas have been identified as Thomas Brown, an 18-year-old missing from nearby Canadian, Texas since November of 2016. I know Tom and the man who committed suicide were both into drama/theater, was the man also his drama teacher? He tried to tell her at this time that he believed Tom had walked away which contradicts what he told her husband. They said all evidence had been analyzed and no ruling into Toms cause of death could be made. Instagram post by Thomas Brown highlighting both Kirk Cobain and Judy Garland, who both committed suicide. Ive never seen a suicide be reported so quickly to the media. Thomas Brown was a senior at the Canadian High School in Texas. 0:55. Is that correct? Philip has worked on other high profile cases such as the case of missing child DeOrr Kunz and the case of missing grandfather Michael Chambers. sufficient evidence to say that Tom Brown's death to be a criminal act . Evidence indicates that Thomas Brown turned on his phones charging case and left the house with the phone while it was still charging. Every search came up empty. If you have any information on the death of Tom Brown, please send it to Klein Investigations (and not Nathan Lewis! That doesnt mention where abouts for the 3 hrs before they showed up at Toms house in response to the first report of Tom missing. The authorities questioned Penny regarding what she believed happened to her son. Philip Klein has also seen the photo and it was reported to exist in the Houston Chronicle. Skip Hollandsworth: There was a moment last night when I thought, This story will never come to an end. Has that occurred to you?

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