rahu and dogs

Jupiter is neutral in friendship. Sun, Moon, and Mars are Ketu's enemies. I Miss home very much. Just watching them eat the bread that we had just offered brings in happiness into our life. Navneet believes that Vedic Astrology is a vast subject, it is an ocean of knowledge and wisdom. It is believed that offering chapattis to black dogs on Saturday ends the problems of Ketu. The main symbols Teardrop, Raindrop Diamond, and Skull also influence the nature of this nakshatra. You can imagine, if it happens to a person, he can face a lot of hardships in his life, lots of ups and downs and struggles. According to Vedic Astrology and Vedic scriptures, keeping a black dog in your house is considered to be very auspicious. he has changed two job in this job also ther is politics pls suggest some remedy, Since the 10 lord is in 11th house but in debilitated position aspected by Saturn in retro mode and lord of 6th house is in 9th house. Further, it is said that a dog is able to absorb all the negative energies from your home. Do not drink milk during nights. Ketu represents our past lives and the experience we gained from those lives. Saturn is in a friend sign in Gemini. To reduce their negative impact , we need to follow these remedies : Sun : If sun is weak or malefic, person will always have excess saliva in his mouth. Yes she will be casual and careless. Rai Saheb Rekhchand Mohota Spinning & Weaving Mills, Ltd. Mars will give her energy to work hard. Will socialise less due to inferiority feelings. It is considered to be very auspicious to feed roti to black dogs and if a person does so, he start getting positive effects of the planet Ketu. Gomedh is the stone that can reduce the negative impact of Rahu. In Marriage Matching he does analysis of Guna Milan and also Grah Milan (Matching of the Planets) and will tell you effects and remedies of Nadi Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha & Gana Dosha if present. Flow out 6 to 7 dry coconuts in the river. Remedies for Rahu : Always wear a cap or turban(preferably dark blue color). Ardra natives are known to shoot at the target. Rahu, being a karmic planet would show the necessity and urge to work on a specific area of life where there had been ignorance in the past life. All Electronics and Engineering Careers. Mars in Ardra influences drive, passion, energy, siblings, with the energy of Ardra. Needless to say, feeding them is one of the best ways to please gods. They are needy, emotional, and pack animals. Grow a neem tree in your backyard. Sector.. And remedies also. A dog is the most fascinating creature on this planet. If someone is facing unwanted troubles like delays in getting job, no growth in business and lack of money, then such people should keep a black dog (or any colour dog if black is not possible) in his/her house and start serving that dog. In Summary, Rudra is the deity of chaos, storms, confusion, exile, disorder, and rebellion. Out of nowhere, like a flash of lightning, they can be hit with a brilliant idea. If you lend money, it wont be recovered in time. Their heart is touched when watching love stories or reminiscing about a past lover. What astrologers have to say, Sindh suffers unjustified water share distribution, Dirty business: Sindh's faecal matter is making its children dumber, Provincial minister applauds efforts of district administration during recent downpour, Sindh Agriculture Minister inaugurates 2-day Mango Festival, Minister vows to ensure fair distribution of irrigation water in Badin, Who the stars favour in India Elections 2019? The benefits of having a dog astrology and feeding black dog. Eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are at one of these points, giving rise to the mythical understanding that the two are being swallowed by the snake. WebI do not like telling people to go and feed street dogs to pacify rahu because understanding rahu and self-realization is biggest remedy according to me. Astrologer Navneet Khanna, is a former World Bank & SIDA consultant, he has held many prestigious projects in India and Africa before settling down in his native place, near Chandigarh and following his passion in Vedic Astrology. The native will spend money on clothes. She is having everything but not happy. Venus is the planet of beauty, luxury and relationships and to walk victoriously and successfully through the galleries of life you have to attain the blessings of the planet Venus and for this, one should offer milk to cats. He will start to feel that his problems in life are slowly getting solved or somehow, he is able to find solutions or a path that leads to a more peaceful life. Finger Nails will become weak. Of course, the house that is filled with happiness, where everyone is happy, happiness is the best medicine to fight diseases. IF she is good as a good artist then she should try fire arts. Saturn in Ardra Nakshatra people have to work hard for success. This is why they like to get down to the root cause when they experience a catastrophic event. Rahu on the other hand can create permanent obstacles and problems. In fact, seeing a black cat crossing your path while driving is considered to be a word of warning from the Planet Shani to protect you from an accident. The name Ardra means moist or wet. Donate milk and rice to any temple. On the other hand, unlike the previous Nakshatra Mrigashira in which mind (Moon) and intellect (Mercury) roam freely. Please let me know about her future. While Saturn is the planet that causes a lot of trouble in a persons life. If you are having serious Rahu-Ketu Dosha, you must feed roti with oil to the dog. Keep saunf under your pillow Do Avoid living in a south-facing house Do not pursue a career in the electrical field This is the reason why many people experience sudden changes in their life, mostly positive changes that happen when they bring a pet dog into their home. Therefore, Mercury is strong here. So please sir help me Suggest me some remedies .. My DOB is 13 October 1983, Birth Time is night 10:20 PM in Varanasi U.P. For planet Ketu, Astrology advises keeping a pet dog, rabbit or a cow. Ketu (Sanskrit: , IAST: Ket) () is the descending (i.e. It can take years for these individuals to reap the fruits of their labor. Rahu also Jupiter : Jupiter will cause break in education. Ensure that the stone you choose is of more than 6 carats in weight, unblemished, lustrous and transparent. Rahu in Ardra relates to outcast, explosion, breaks, foreign, material world, and illusions with the energy of Ardra. Rahu can remove all negative qualities of every planet while Ketu can emphasise every positive quality of the planet. Remedies for Venus : Always wear clothes that are washed. When Ardra is strong in your chart this means your Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Atmakaraka, or many planets are in Ardra nakshatra. The main reason is because by keeping a dog in your house, it is said that one gets the full blessings of Goddess Laxmi and she comes into your home. Rahu delivers a rare blend of material ambitions and spiritual development when it enters the Pisces zodiac sign. If the planet Mars is conjunct or aspect Sun, natives get into a verbal argument with authority figures. It is also said that Rahu holds a very big impact on a persons life. Ardra Nakshatra symbols are a Teardrop, Raindrop Diamond, and Skull. And in the process, success is achieved due to higher energy & focus. Which is the reason why, when all the planets are under Rahu, and Ketu, Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed as now they are under the bad influence of Rahu and Ketu. Time 11 pm. Keeping a black dog is the easiest way to please Shani Dev and remove Rahu-Ketu Grah Dosh from your Kundli. They also have faith that things will get better in life. [5] Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. Bosses and authority figures can be intense: Bosses can blow up now and then this is because Rahu represents explosions and Ardra related to the storm. Ruler of Ketu: According to the most popular astrology text Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, (BPHS) Ketu is related to Matsya. To cope with their situation, they may shed a tear which helps them cleanse their soul. Never accept free gifts. Drink water through silver glass everyday. A diamond takes millions of years to form in the earth with heat and pressure. 6. The animal of Ardra Nakshatra is a female wolf or a female dog. Will take debts but cannot clear them for long time and will have to live secret life. Feed milk to pets regularly. Helping old and needy people also help to reduce its ill-effects. Put these three articles or one of the articles in a copper vessel and drop it in flowing water on a Sunday. Consequently, if you get an Ardra person angry they can howl and scream at you. Try to visit holy places freququently. AstrologyMag.com will be responsible for the personal information you add to the website. This is because the wife and endured so much that she now has thick skin which comes across as a masculine characteristic. This is especially true if Mars is placed in the 3rd House (Younger siblings) or 11th House of Eldest siblings. Ketu in Ardra Nakshatra relates to the occult, moksha, seclusion, introverts, past lives, investigation, research, nonattachment to worldly desires with the energy of Ardra. It is said that Dogs can remove the bad effects of these bad yogas and bring upliftment and happiness into the life of the person. Women may have irregular menstruation and frequent abortions. The native suffers from various ailments or loss of wealth. Giving food/roti to a dog pleases Lord Bhairav and saves that person from any kind of troubles. This is why Rudra is known as the howler. 12th house: Do not have a loose character. Try to wear more gold jewellery. Worship Lord Ganesha. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialisation to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. WebHow the Rahu Transit In Pisces 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign. We came to know about his Rahu Mahadasha.He is not concentrating on his studies.He doesnt listen to anybody n shows attitude when we ask him to study.Pls tell us some remedies n abt his future, Your email address will not be published. Nevertheless, they are also gifted with the ability to predict the weather because they are so sensitive to the environment. Ardra nakshatra energy is a combination of the planet Rahu, the ruling deities Rudra (storm god). Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. Become strict vegetarian and quit alcohol. To gain the blessings of a calm and composed Moon, one should feed flour balls to a white cow or a fish. When mercury or Mars is in 12th house Rahu gives bad result. The mantra is: Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah. This is because the husband endured so much turbulence, he developed a thick skin. Throw yellow colored lemons in river. [1][2][3][4] Personified as a deity, Rahu and Ketu are considered to be the two halves the immortal Asura (demon) Svarbhanu, who was beheaded by the god Vishnu. RAHU-THE PLANET. Most of the time I am bedridden cant do anything because I have fever nausea, vomitting, diarrhea cramps etc.how can I atlas lessen this through any remedies. Ardra people are known to shed tears. Anemia(blood deficiency), dark circles below eyes, eye sight or frequent headaches possible. Mars is a fiery and impulsive planet and to appease the planet Mars in your horoscope, it is very essential that one should feed gram and jaggery to monkeys. This is because Rahu is about the explosion and this nakshatra is related to changes. Sun is the karaka of career and Ardra zodiac range is completely in the sign of Gemini. My DOB is 10/03/1960 and time is 7:45pm Place Kolkata , please tell me how will my health be this year and years to come? Also, the ruling planet Rahu relates to electricians and technology. Free kundali can be checked online to see Sudden illness and weight loss possible. Feed dogs every day. In extreme cases, they can yell and howl at the individual. The husband will also appear physically masculine or very strong. All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. Many athletes have a Mars and Rahu alignment. Because of this Ardra native can be very successful and accomplished in life. She is a good artist but couldnt take the right decision at the time of choosing the study stream.She has negative thoughts. Ardra people are extremists and have explosive temperaments. The Rahu Mahadasha lasts for 18 years. They are able to smell things upto kilometers, detect natural disasters and even see ghosts and evil spirits. please tell about my career ,foreign settlement and marriage. As a result, they can scatter their energy sporadically with this placement. Further, it is said that a dog is able to Gayatri Mantra recitation will help. Know brown dog represents which planet and what are the benefits of feeding dogs in astrology. Rahu behaves like somewhat like Saturn and is the planet for obstruction and hindrances. Especially if Saturn (Karma, Service, Duty) or Moon is in this nakshatra. Stay away from non-vegetarian food and alcohol. The ruling animal of Ardra Nakshatra is a female dog. Similar to forming a diamond, these people have to put the time, pressure, and wait for results. Rahu in 7th House with Remedies:-. If badly afflicted, will cause unusual sexual thoughts like habitual masturbation, lack of control over mind, addiction to pornography, wet dreams etc. Its movement in any sign of the zodiac could be very beneficial to the locals. Will have frequent quarrels with neighbours, co-workers or lovers. Always keep a silver piece(square shaped) in your wallet. On the other hand, these people have an engineering intelligence. Alternate method is to keep a crystal below your pillow while sleeping and switch off television, mobile phone and computer atleast one hour before sleep. In addition, feeding wild fishes is also beneficial. When they do meet Mr. or Mrs. Donate blood occassionally but also take dry fruits regularly to produce new blood. Especially, planet Saturn, of someone is going through the period of Sade Sati, the revolving period of Saturn in a person life. As a result, rainy, cloudy, and dim days influence how they feel. 6. As a result, Saturn can give good results here with hard work. Dogs: Dog is not only humans best friend but also safeguard you from the wrath of planets like Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.Usually, people feed rotti to a black dog on Saturday, as it is believed that it saves them from malefic effects of Saturn. When the planet Saturn is strong in a persons birth chart, such a person gains will power, the capability to work hard and succeed immensely in life and career. Never bath or swim in open air , rivers or in oceans. Mercury : Ability to smell will be reduced. Keep your nose clean always and especially starting any new work. Dogs represent Shani Dev, Rahu, and Ketu. Buy sweets for widows and old people. Will lose gold and money. This is because Ardra is wild, and Mars is action. It is said that by feeding black dogs, ones house will be protected from negative energies and also evil spirits. It can love to the point that it will give its life for you, or it can bite and throttle someones bone if they cross their territory. Rahu is untamed energy like a wild dog. Venus : If venus is weak or malefic, thumb finger will become weak or it will be prone to injuries. Ardra Nakshatra ruling planet/lord is Rahu. Similarly, many other birds are either associated with the Shadow Planet or Planets like the Sun and Moon. Once I get my job I will go home. Astrological Significance of Feeding Animals | - Times of India However, like a diamond (forming in the earth). Powered By, Remedies for Rahu Mahadasha as Per Vedic Astrology, Your Lucky Gemstones according to Numerology, Katyayani Puja for Marriage When Guna Milan is Less. Bharani Nakshatra Bharani Nakshatra is the second nakshatra and comes after Ashwini. Forty two years is the age of Ketu. In addition, one should also give water to cows on Mondays. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That means that she will be multitalented and also good in whatever she does. Keeping a black dog is the easiest way to please Shani Dev and remove Rahu-Ketu Grah Dosh from your Kundli. Ketu the ascetic that wants to go beyond the mundane life and achieve the final liberation. Store water in south-west corner inside your house. Astronomically they represent the point at which the Moon orbit crosses the ecliptic, the celestial equator. Feed birds and never cage them at home. They do almost everything intensively. If someone wants to gain victory in any kind of legal or court case, then he/she should feed roti to black dogs every evening after sunset. Dogs are also spiritual animals and of course, we know that a Dog is a mans best friend, but did you know how bringing dogs into your house can literally remove all the negativity from your home. Therefore, they enjoy watching ghost stories, paranormal shows, and UFO sightings. 11th house: Wear an onyx or emerald. Nevertheless, these people can often take careless actions. WebHow the Rahu Transit In Pisces 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign One of astrology's unfavourable planets is Rahu. Fear of snake or frequent appearance of reptiles in dreams are possible. As per Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu have an orbital cycle of 18 years and are always 180 degrees from each other orbitally (as well as in the birth charts). Never do diary business and buy sweets for young kids(female). All four symbols express the qualities of this nakshatra. Thank you, Sir, for your help and guidance. Simple and Effective Tips, Why does my dog look around the room? Because of this, they can feel both mentally and emotionally isolated. Dogs can also see ghosts, thats why in many ghost movies or paranormal movies, you can see a dog barking for no reason. Lord Rahu: Rahu is one of the shadow planets in Vedic astrology. Stay away from physically handicapped people. He is known as the ultimate or the supreme. No date can be predicted in this regard. As black is the color that represents planet Saturn and Rahu. They can bring the storm and howl and scream when angry then be filled with a peaceful calmness. Diabetes and obesity will cause problems for few. Try to buy an elephants tusk and store it in your bedroom. Few will become pornograhy writers and will write with secret names. My daughters DOB is 5th July 1995, timing 4:22 pm, kanpur U.P.. Nevertheless, they can have very few friends because they are a natural loner. It is a type of Yoga or combination that happens when all the planets in a birth chart are under Rahu and Ketu. Start chanting the Rahu mantra and the stotra on a Saturday of your choice, after dusk. Bharani zodiac range is from 00o 00 Aries to 13o 20 Aries. Donate footwear to homeless people. He experienced strange life events he carries with him. Ardra Nakshatra is the sixth nakshatra and comes after Mrigashira. Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere, and do not correspond to a physical planet. For instance, places that have thunderstorms, hurricanes, volcanoes, and tornadoes are ideal. Chant Rahus Beej Mantra OM BRIM RAHAVE NAMAH Chant Hanuman Chalisa Daily. It is time to get married when you get a good proposal whose horoscope matches with that of yours. This is because Ardra is completely in the sign of Gemini which relates to communication. Hair from eye brows and eye lashes will fall frequently. Tips and Tricks, Why is my 7 month old puppy still biting? WebRahu, being a karmic planet would show the necessity and urge to work on a specific area of life where there had been ignorance in the past life. This stands to logic as Ketu is a torso and a prominent part of Sagittarius is a big horse torso attached to a male upper body. WebRahu is a demon in the series. As a result, this comes across as a macho man characteristic. Rahu 2021 Effects on Virgo Sign Transit of Rahu in 2021 will remain posited in your ninth house, which will doctor some mixed outcomes for you. This may be because a dog has seen a spirit. As Dogs are able to absorb negative energy and convert into positive energy. Ashwini zodiac range is from 00o 00 Aries to 13o 20 Aries. Sexual strength will also be reduced. The significance of Rahu and Ketu Rahu Ketu axis in our birth charts gives us very important clues about what our current life goals desires are vs our past life merits issues to be dealt with. Ardra natives can shed a tear when reading romantic novels, watching love stories, even heartfelt love letters bring a tear to their eyes. These rats are worshipped with full dedication. Let us read here about the astrological benefits of feeding stray bird and animals and the rationale behind it. I am studying Masters in the USA. For instance, an Ardra native can take a year developing a product; however, once the product is complete it can fly off the shelves. Your wishes and desires seem to be fulfilled if you feed ants, fodder or green grass to buffaloes. Rahu doesnt own a zodiac sign and is also known as ChayaGraha. 2. But by keeping dogs in your home, the negative effects of these Bad Yogas are reduced. Find out what kind of pets you should have. However, when the husband gets angry, he can howl and screams. As we know, Shani Dev is the deity or God of the planet Saturn. India. Try to live in joint family with parents. is it good ? Things like untreatable diseases, depression, breakages in marriage, no growth in business or job can happen to the person if the Puja for Grahan Dosh is not done. The entire nakshatra is in the air sign Gemini; therefore, the energy of Gemini influenced the traits of this nakshatra. On the other hand, out of nowhere, these people can have bursts of energy. I want to go to teaching line by profession Now family atmosphere is not well My mother is very worried about me & my 2 sisters.. It is very essential to feed birds and animals. A cow has been given the status of a mother in Hinduism. Even their emotional disposition can be extreme; they can flip from one extreme to the next within minutes. I m facing many issues including job, financial and family They are the people who experience that aw ha moment and can have deep insight and realization. In Hindu mythology, Lord Yamram, the god of death, owns two watchdogs who have four eyes. A black dog is governed by Saturn and Rahu-Ketu. My DOB is Sept 18 1971. With Mars in the 3rd or 11th houses, siblings can start arguments and fights out of the blue and it makes seem impossible to get along with siblings. Their choice of words can come across as cold, harsh, or blunt, this is because Saturn is a cold planet and this coldness influence communication. Rahu : If Rahu is malefic, Pet dog will die. Therefore, the storms are blessings in disguise. Lord Venus: Venus is the reasons for On the other hand, these people often communicate about their transformations to others. On the other hand, Moon is related to liquids and Ardra represents storms. I am going through Rahu Mahadasha and suffer from extreme Stress. In addition, a Moon in Ardra person cries when they are emotionally distressed and when they go through an intense stormy phase in their life. If a persons Rahu and Ketu are in giving good results, this means they can suddenly have a positive event in their life, sometimes suddenly becoming rich or suddenly getting a promotion at work and finding something valuable in life. But did you know? The meaning of the name is in alignment with the nature of Ardra nakshatra. They go through storms that eventually clear their path so light can shine. Malda, West Bengal. Below are some of the simple, interesting yet very mysterious things that by serving the dogs or feeding them, will benefit us immensely in our lives. Finger Nails will become weak. Dog is considered as agent for rahu / ketu / shani..which graha is coorelated with cats. Ketu is a karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic abilities. If Rahu is causing trouble in marital life, keep 5 radish besides pillow of your spouse before sleeping and next morning throw them in any river or flowing water. Feeding sesame seeds to ants is also preferred. Wash new clothes before wearing them for first time. At the start of the Rahu Mahadasha, take wood coal that equals your body weight and put it in flowing water on a Saturday or on a Wednesday. People with Rahu in Ardra Nakshatra have wild personalities. Dainik Panchang, Shubh Muhurat, Indian Festival & Indian Astrology Information Guide. Tie it in black thread and wear it around your neck for protection from Rahu. I am very much worried about her career and Marriage. In Vedic astrology, the dog is associated with Lord Bhairav, Shani Dev, Rahu and Ketu. Rahu was a cruel Asura in Hindu myth. Dogs are considered mans best friend; so, Ardra people are faithful, devoted, and loyal friends. Just watching them eat the bread that we had just offered brings in happiness into our life. When they finally realize their goals, what they created shines like a diamond and people want what they have. Remedy : Feeding milk and bread to dogs will generate good results. I hope you enjoyed reading this article, please share this article with your friends and family and share the love and happiness that you get from dogs. Love affairs will fail to materialise and will be insulted by opposite sex. These individuals will have challenges communicating their ideas: Saturn suppresses communication here. They love the idea of being in love with someone. Being kind to plants and environment is not just a good remedy but also a very healthy practice. To balance the apparent Keep a black dog. Ketu has been considered the planet of enlightenment and liberation. I don't know my Moon Sign. However, it is also important to take proper care of them. A Venus in Ardra person can work hard at a project only to destroy it and rebuild it even stronger and better. WebKetu resides in dogs, so as a remedy people should take care of dogs. Even when Rahu is in an inauspicious position in the horoscope, its negative influence can be diminished by traditional remedies and wearing Rahus Gemstone. Also, when they are talking, they can say things out of nowhere that may not make sense to other people. Further, it is said that a dog is able to absorb all the negative energies from your home. This is why they make wonderful counselors, advisors, and therapists. In Vedic Astrology, Black Dogs seem to have the prominent effects and energies of the planet Saturn and Rahu, hence they are colored black. Because of this they can isolate themselves and prefer to be alone. They bring positive energy to your house and one of the Vedic Astrological benefits of keeping Dogs is that, it makes your planet Ketu stronger and calmer. The people who come under the influence of Ketu can achieve great heights, most of them spiritual. Heres What to Expect. Remedies for Jupiter : Always wear yellow color cap or turban. Take blessings of your mother regularly. WebIt has been believed that dogs somehow act as a link between the netherworld and human beings. When ones shed teardrop it is usually after a storm (life change). Especially, Evil Spirits cannot enter the house where Black Dogs are kept as pets because the energies of Black Dogs are so positive that, any form of negative energy gets converted into positive energy. The deity Rudra is known as the howler, and he is the destructive aspect of Shiva. Sudden devaluation Ketu in Ardra Nakshatra individuals dealt with transformations in a past life so they know how to deal with change. jai shri krishna. Lack of faith in religion will make them rebels in the society. However, after a storm, the light shines again which is the message of Punarvasu Nakshatra, Return of the light. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini, Magha and Mula. Seeing a rat is actually a good omen. 8:42pm If you cook, then put off the stove flame using milk. There is no doubt, by keeping a dog in your house, it can fill your home with love and happiness. However, changes are necessary to clear the unnecessary in our lives. Thursday is the day of the planet Jupiter and to get the blessings of this planet, soaked gram lentils and jaggery should be offered to cows and horses and one should also feed corn to pigeons on Thursdays. Hence, Ketu is believed to be responsible for causing the Eclipse of the Moon.[5]. By Feeding Black Dogs, one can also be free from the negative effects of planet Rahu. Transexual or abnormal thoughts in sexual activities will increase. Chant the Rahu beej mantra for a minimum of 108 times every day. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the devotee's family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons. This red star is known as Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis). Will be blamed for mistakes you have never committed. Venus and Rahu are its friends, whereas Moon and Mars are its enemies. It is simply up to the individual to jump into the ocean and extract the pearls.

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