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The STR industry attempted in 2017 to get the legislature to pass a bill that would prohibit local regulation of STRs, but that effort predictably ran into a buzzsaw of local government officials who were getting earfuls from their residents about STRs in their neighborhoods. As a legislative decision, the cards are all in the hands of the municipal officials as to what conditions they may put in place in order to consider approving annexation of property. Heres Howes entire entry about the court session. Dont know. Katherine Einstein, David Glick, and Maxwell Palmer, Boston University political scientists and co-authors of Neighborhood Defenders, examined zoning and planning meetings across Massachusetts. Fillmores bill would cut that down to one public hearing opportunity, at the very beginning of the process. Heres some quotes from the story. Rep. Val Peterson, he who is also the sponsor of HB303 Downzoning Notice Amendments, which we panned in an earlier post (February 3), yesterday unveiled HB416 Property Rights Ombudsman Amendments. Still, there were some actions taken or attempted in this years legislative session that to me just seemed to go beyond good statewide policy to address growth and land use issues. 260(B) common interest community, as defined in Section57-25-102; or Whew! Both legislators mentioned their concern. Thats likely to continue not just the higher price of these materials but delays and availability issues, Dietz said. Last Thursday, at the Cache Valley Summit, the task force reported its findings. Calculated by the state of California every eight years since its inception in 1969, theRegional Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA) dictates how much new housing each city in the state must build at various affordability levels in order to meet its projected housing need. All the research says its better to have a PC made up of a soccer mom, a businessman, a retired school teacher, a renter(! Summit County Council Chair Roger Armstrong called the bill a direct assault on local control by the Legislature . Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning Broke the American City and How to Fix It. Food Trucks, Ice Cream Trucks, Food Carts, and Enclosed Mobile Businesses should each have their own independent definitions, but establish that each is a type of mobile business. When you think of megaregions not as coherent economic juggernauts but less grandly as transportation corridors, the concept finally begins to look plausible. In this case, the would be entirely private and paid off when properties are sold (lots of other details to these), but they do get access to public finance bond markets, with their lower interest rates. Mountain communities have been leading on this issue for years, and we are happy that there is potential for statewide goals that align the entire state, while still respecting the differences in communities.. are facing as they look for housing. Well, I guess they could just prohibit them outright. The market is telling us we need more housing, but whats holding that back, or was at least until we saw significant rate increases, is local governments., Government plays a big role in that piece, in that we tend to make it harder. Worth the read to get another perspective. This bill would remove the public from the zoning/planning process & grant developers complete authority of development decisions in our town. And yet that is the case., As everyday Americans compete with each other and investors for housing that simply isnt available, youve got this bizarre lottery situation, Lara Gale said, with an asset that is treated as though its some kind of commodity when in fact its as necessary as water.. Now you may not know, but within that code there is a section that relates specifically to land use actions 20A-7-602.8 Referability to voters of local land use law. The first will be at the APA Utah spring conference in Kanab March 25. How, then are broader policies to be moved forward if they take everyone to make them happen? (starting at about time 18:30 in the video). How much people support and help each other. Those are the big changes in bills were following. There are other bills and appropriations that happened in the legislature that affect local planning that were well-tracked by others. Heres wishing us well in the outcomes of our 2023 legislative session! Heres the current list of pre-filed bill titles that have been submitted for the upcoming session that have to do with land use. Im not saying that this information and planning isnt of value, and perhaps even needed, but the level of specificity and detail thats needed for such a plan may vary by locality depending on their situation with water. The issue appears to be about the impact on available housing as much as about the typical neighborhood disruptions from non-permanent renters. Some things are not under dispute: The university has added students without adding dorm rooms to house all of them, just as the Bay Area has added jobs without adding enough homes. As for more high-density, high-rise residential development, 7% picked that option. Utah state code and court rulings state and imply that temporary land use regulations or pending ordinances can only be in effect for a maximum of six months. And we get new laws! In 2001, Merlin was acquired by VT Group plc (known as Vosper Thorneycroft until 2002) and renamed VT Merlin Communications, then just VT Communications. A reporter from southern Utah made the statement that local officials in that part of the state are considering whether future zoning permits should be curtailed until the current drought situation has at least been addressed. They are also helpful for DXing (long distance listening), particularly on the Gov. 86 new lines in LUDMA. As Craig Call so ably states in our land use training seminars, this is a very low bar to clear, and the courts will stay out of this arena as it is clearly a legislative decision, not a judicial one. 647municipal zoning and land use regulations that do not conflict with this section, including: We also support requiring local governments to consider long-range regional transportation plans as they develop their general plans and zoning decisions. See the February 9 blog entry for discussion about this bill. Activists are hoping to harness public outrage to target other parts of the law as well. Case in point this recent piece from Politico. Heres a good object lesson about how badly such an approach can go, of course again from California, in the LA Times Los Angeles must rezone to accommodate an additional quarter-million new homes by mid-October after state housing regulators rejected the citys long-term plan for growth. The bill also says that the LUA may hold a public hearing. We are seeing a lot of knockdowns, Claus says. 85 new lines in LUDMA. This, of course, is good news for the outdoor industry and the state of Utah. A similar bill was introduced during this years general session back in January, but did not advance far because of ongoing discussions about the scope and particulars of the Authority. There is also the concern that were going about this on an ad-hoc basis, with a mix of compulsory and non-compulsory provisions in the code (the advisory only language is still in). To keep existing home values artificially high. The League set up a working group yesterday to engage on this bill and attempt to work out the details. Ignore the persistent supply-chain problems and tariffs that have increased the cost and build time for new construction. So another one of Utahs communities just imposed restrictions on development due to water concerns Town of Newton puts hold on new water connections . The bill provides that a local jurisdiction can by ordinance prohibit the offer of housing for short-term rental on a short-term rental website if it is not in an area that is authorized by local ordinance for short-term rentals. These two seem to get conflated with each other and makes things a bit confusing. The bill was passed by the Senate this afternoon and is on its way to the House. I talk about Daybreak a lot. It casts such a wide net that cities would at times be required to notify everyone of every change in the general regulations and everyone in the zone if only one zone is affected. I have said for a long time that whenever a development project comes up for public hearing in local PC meetings, the public comment almost always includes something about how the proposal will lower property values, increase traffic, and endanger the lives of children. Subscribe to James Cridlands newsletter, buy DAB Digital Radio receivers at, Brighton trial, Birmingham trial, Norwich trial, Woking trial, Portsmouth trial and London trial. To which I say, prove the superior model! Still a lot of work to do to finalize these recommendations and actually get a bill prepared, so stay tuned. Doingcan cause harm, butnot doingwont preserve the world in amber. The interesting one first. If this passes, it would really render the general plan moot, said Tempe Mayor Corey Woods. The recognition of this role has even led to a proposal for the upcoming legislative session to move the Commission on Housing Affordability from being housed in the Department of Workforce Services to the GOEO. You can watch and read the entire speech here. The same happens with solar projects. Too often, as the January 25 post demonstrates, top-down zoning reform approaches dont work because of the lack of buy-in from local officials and citizens who then find ways to subvert them. Along the Wasatch Front, the housing shortage could be impacted more by zoning ordinances or, as the Utah Foundation put it, the construction of more middle housing. This refers to a variety of multifamily housing options focusing on neighborhood walkability and being affordable to various income levels, a report by the nonprofit public policy organization said. Airport Land Use Amendments also a big blank for me, Rep. Ballard requesting, Regional Development and Logistics Amendments hmmm, interesting title, might relate to tying state funding to conformity with regional transportation plans, but this is being requested by Rep. Mike Schultz and thats not been one of his big issues. So we have the flip side of what has happened earlier in one of the major land use bills. Almost all of the property involved in this one, however, is privately owned, and thus would normally fall under SLCs land use authority. This one is worth doing. Cox speaking during an online chat held by the Washington-based J. Ronald Terwilliger Center for Housing Policy, in which he touched on a number of growth and housing issues in Utah.