lds temple ceremony changes 2021
The Salt Lake temple will be able to have double the number of patrons, and can host. (Well, OK, I did). Learn more about senior service missionary opportunities at Newsroom. I did and of course, not enough was changed. In 2019, there were 16,565,036 members, and in 2018 there were 16,313,735. Not only is it important that we receive an inheritance of flesh and boneit is also crucial that we take our first steps as life givers. Very cringey. I have no idea what prompted the changes, but based on my experience I suspect part of the reason was to help those participating in the rite to understand it better. Its been a long 18 months apart. They really believed polygamy was a necessary part of salvation. Temple Square in Salt Lake City before the Saturday morning session of October 2021 general conference. Second sentence: strawman and red herring. In a major change, LDS Church . As for why they werent made in 2019, I can think of two possibilities: either a) the people werent ready for them yet; or b) the prophets hadnt thought of them yet. ), Anyway, thanks again for the civil discussion. Since April 2018 general conference, President Nelson has announced 83 temples. Remember the oft repeated verse from Moses 1: 39 For behold, this is my work and my gloryto bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. @dot, is that when they switched to the slide show? Interviewees all said the endowment is less participatory than it used to be. Several symbols are used in multiple ways. Do leaders understand the symbolism of the fig tree/leaf/fruit? News of the changes in the ceremony was pick up by wire services and received nationwide coverage including a front page story in the New York Times, comments by Paul Harvey, and a report in Time magazine. In January 2020, the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced changes to ceremonial temple clothing but later delayed the launch due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They werent huge changes; the overall tone was still male-centric (ex the demonstration at the veil was still only Adam), but it was an improvement. In the hierarchy of the church we women are only gifted with the choice to submit and consent, or to withhold our consent and be seen as disrespectful (and be destroyed). Getting signs and tokens to pass by the angels and get you into heaven is kind of the opposite of accepting Christ, repenting, and getting to Heaven through the atonement. Cain sought to skip the order and go right to the veil (an echo of Lucifers rebellion). I know some do like it, find it peaceful & spiritualbully for them!but a whole lot of the ones who claim to either like it or that they feel like they should go more often secretly dislike it and just dont want to admit it to others (due to social pressure) or themselves (due to thinking they arent good people for not liking it). As for the hearken: it has been removed from the endowment since 2019. Somehow I dont think this positive is what our current church teaches today either whereas we are encouraged to exalt motherhood as our most important role. When the Lord saw the fig leaf upon Adam, He immediately removed it from him, and replaced it with a [terrestrial] leather skin of flesh and blood sacrifice. All of this becomes glaringly clear if we understand the symbolism of the fig tree, fig fruit, and fig leaf. I concluded it had to be allegorical. @Toad, I had the same experience re: penalty oaths. That is our choice in the frames of D&C 132, and often that is how our choices are administered in the framework and culture of the church. I was saying that thats how some folks might interpret what I was sayingbut thats not what Im saying at all. When a man fails to make his wife a full partner, thats not the Churchs fault; the Church is *constantly* telling them to do so. Wouldnt he be kinda pissed we didnt feed, clothe, and house people instead? Detroit Michigan Temple In Phase 4 and a gradual return to normal operations, as of April 20, 2022. Were thrilled that the Churchs historic sites will be open to visitors this summer, Church Historian and Recorder Elder LeGrand R. Curtis Jr. of the Seventy told Newsroom. All of the sexist, polygamist, coercive elements are fundamentally disturbing to me. I guess no one has to wonder if they are going to be asked to be the witness couple. A phased reopening of Church historic sites was approved by the First Presidency in May 2021. And promise not to tell this secret handshake or forfeit my, shades of the Gadianton Robbers and werent they the bad guys? I was really interested by the discussion of the apron. Regarding the 7 changes Elisa outlines in her first paragraph, my reactions are: New members of the Presidency of the Seventy, eight new General Authorities, and 77 new area seventies were announced during the Saturday afternoon session of the April 2021 general conference. For both of us, attending the temple was not something we ever enjoyed or made a priority.). My apologies in advance, but this is a personal post and in that regard too long and a little selfish. See a list of historic sites on Newsroom. The clothing adjustments do not change temple doctrine or symbolism but are designed to enhance members experience in the temple and make the ceremonial clothing easier to put on, care for and afford,the First Presidency said in January 2020 letter. It was one I initially applauded as having resolved much of the sexism I had experienced in the temple till that pointand most of the articles from the time period likewise applauded itbut after going a few more times and listening more carefully I realized it just hid the sexism better: taking out an obligation for women to hearken in the endowment, but adding preside into the sealing; replacing the language stating that women would be queens and priestesses to their husbands with language stating that women would be queens and priestesses in the new and everlasting covenant which, umm, is plural marriage, so it says the same sexist thing in more opaque language. Even when I barely allude to those differences Im labelled a sexist. To learn more about why and how the ceremonial clothing was redesigned and information about purchasing, altering, discarding and donating temple clothing, see Ceremonial Clothing FAQs on Im not even going there. 6) As for seeing a greater contingency of non-temple Saints in my circles, that may be true, but Im not sure were not making space for them.Is there something that makes you think we arent? Even if I had to work so she could stay home with my kids, it would be better than what we have now. Jana Riess. Better or worse? Were just supposed to pretend that the many years we spent listening to the old language are wiped away. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. And because I am a MORO (Mormon of Record Only, less Mormon even than a PIMO) I just dont care about small changes to the temple ceremony. A lot more than intent going on there. In my mind, sexism isto quote Dictionary.comdiscrimination or devaluation based on a persons sex or gender, as in restricted job opportunities, especially such discrimination directed against women. Im sure youve been the victim of sexism in your life, as have I; but I honestly dont see sexual distinction as discrimination or devaluation.. Download a photo or video by clicking or tapping on it. Im not a big fan of all of these changes. I had one couple call me and say they didnt want more lessons. If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. Why, then, have changes been made to it several times since it was first revealed? They can choose not to delegate and to micromanage every last decision down to the ground. They feel a desire to receive and honor sacred temple covenants throughout their lives. I had a friend in 1990 who promised me everything had been fixed and I HAD to give it another chance. I literally didnt sleep the 24 hours afterwards wondering what I had done but -alas my whole family had been doing this for generations and I thought myself unworthy for questioning. But the substance of the feelings expressed in my post (concern that changing norms in the word are what drives the changes in the church) still stands. My wife knows of my profound respect for her. (All causes that those do-gooders seem so invested in.) One time I asked a temple presidency member and his wife in the temple about the penalties and was curtly told I shouldnt be asking. I believe the continued temple emphasis by the Church exists mainly as a way to keep members attending and paying money. Keep the comments and analysis flowing, please. I just dont see things the same as you, and thats okay. For some reason I thought that was in 2019. See photos of the missionaries arriving at the Provo MTC at LDS Living. @kristi, thanks for your comment. If you can point out somewhere in that section (or any other) where the two are equated, Im more than happy to listen, but I just read it again and still dont see it. For the Strength of Youth conferences were postponed during the pandemic but will begin again in 2022 and 2023. My great grand mother who I knew personally was the daughter of a polygamist who had 4 families. When were were married, my wife had a SP who later became a GA he was the same way with her as my dad was with me. Thats ultimately what the apron representsIMO. I enjoyed all that and the dead can wait. I have had many friends (sadly) leave their religious faiths, but it seems only Latter-Day Saints care enough to stick around and blog, gossip, speculate, comment, rehash, reassign, and reassault those who simply enjoy their religion. Just after the PoX, I gave my bishop my recommend and told him I would let him know when I wanted it back. On December 13, the First Presidency released the following regarding the completion date for the Salt Lake Temple renovation project: The seismic strengthening of the Salt Lake Temple and the extensive remodel of the Temple and surrounding area are sacred and significant undertakings. It isnt obvious to me. What do you think motivated these changes? I may have rushed to judgement a bit. Do I care if the Grinch is green or blue? In any case, it doesnt matter, I wont ever be going back. As the fleshly body puts on the linen garment, the idea is that we bring celestial lifestyle to the terrestrial earth to restore Creation (for context, see Tikkun olam). . I remain steadfastly on my side, but Ive learned a lot and developed some respect for other view points by hanging around a bit here at W and T. Travis, This is a great example of "trickle up" revelation. The instruction was more specific about the caps and the bows, and, more importantly, Eve had a speaking part after leaving the Garden of Eden! @Travis, your post reminds me that Satan now tells Adam and Eve that they are naked, but he no longer tells them to make aprons. It is something *else* besides faith in Jesus, baptism, and repentance that is needed to return to our Father. And that someone with failings, like me, through Christ, enters in. Do these changes retroactively apply? I too find the prayer circle to benot my fave. Symbols seldom have *one* hard and fast and unchangeable meaning. Out of respect, this preliminary assessment doesnt reveal what the signs and tokens are, as those are the elements of the temple ceremony that participants covenant not to reveal. We all know the people are dead, were just leaving three words out, which will make some sentences a little less cumbersome. Updated July 16, 2021 A selection of temple from around the world where new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve, beginning in August of 2021. Im interested to see how they increase Christs role in the endowment. I figured there had to be more symbolism and meaning that I was missing, so I persisted, waiting for greater light and knowledge. President Russell M. Nelson recently celebrated the reopening of every temple that isnt under construction or undergoing renovations. The fact that I dont care after spending so many years scrutinizing every single word and motion and symbol in the temple is probably the most significant thing to me about the change. Most of us havent. A prominent place. And as such, it is a symbol that is charged with profound meaning when considered within the context of temple theology. So essentially Cains pattern ruins the order of Creation, while Enochs pattern restores it to a new Creation. @LHCA, Ive never heard the concept of having a beautiful gift to return to the Savior. That is a tragedy and frankly a cultural problem. You may also like:Reminisce over bygone Church pageants and try out for the Nauvoo cast. Going to respond to some below, but first, some additional thoughts on changes that I have in reflecting: I think the changes are actually kind of negative. I always thought that was strange in a church that bears Christs name, and holds Him up as the most crucial component of the plan of salvation everywhere except in the temple. You lost me at 13 minutes longer Elisa. Humans are prideful, and I personally men are more so than women. Pretty easy exercise if you are sincere about what you wrote. But keeping preside in the sealing ceremony keeps women in the one down position regardless of Elder Soares desire to soften and change the meaning of preside. @jacalyn it is too bad that your judgey, self-righteous tone actually detracts from a good point you make: that making things more explanatory may be better for people who attend infrequently. LDS Church changes policy about civil ceremonies and temple sealings, making way for more family members to be part of weddings 'Mormon Land': NAACP president discusses the unlikely alliance . The whole chapter begins with Joseph asking questions about polygamy. Let me share an example: almost 30 years ago, a man I know was a full-time missionary when President Hinckley gave a General Conference talk about the women of the Church. Just trust us! By. It doesnt address any significant issue that anyone has with the temple. To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. I know it was probably inserted because of pushback about informed consent but it would be better placed in a good temple prep course which at the moment is still sadly lacking. But the New and Everlasting covenant of Marriage is a complementary relationship. Unless you are a male primary teacher, no man in the church has to be accountable to a woman for how he carries out his calling. Still, a three-hour round trip is a lot better than 12, which is what it was when I was growing up; or even nine, which is what it was, a decade ago. I still think that most Mormons secretly dislike going to the temple. In my mind I was thinking how can you not know?!? My hometown has a large Masonic Lodge and many men in the community were active in Freemasonry at that time. The grounds were also enhanced and renovated. And, in 2021, the covenants were added to the churchs General Handbook. A womans psyche can be harmed by her husbands poor choices (as can a husband by his wifes), but there are pros and cons to any situation. So I went from accepting it and not liking it to not accepting it and hating it. I appreciate your engagement on this topic. Our society is finally slowly but surely tearing patriarchy down. (RNS) Last week marked the four-year anniversary since Russell M. Nelson assumed leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and it's . As for the Fig leaf apron symbol, the understanding of the fig leaf to represent fertility and fecundity is mistaken: the symbol is the opposite: the fruit appears before the flower (out of order, going ahead, like Cain). Hence all the excitement. November 25, 2022 - Christmas lights are on at LDS Temple Square in SLC despite the ongoing construction November 18, 2022 - Temple Square Offers Christmas Experiences Despite Construction September 26, 2022 - Temple Update: Historic Temple Square Renovation Continues In September, The Tabernacle Choir returned to the Conference Center to rehearse for the first time in 18 months. We obey commandment. But rather, they must be constantly studied and lived in order to be understood. (And I suppose if we were to get nit-picky about that arrangement we could argue that that places the woman on a more sacred footing than the man.) The version that was being used when I had my personal endowment experience 20+ years ago? That delay meant we married six months later, and due to health problems that came on shortly after our marriage, our childbearing was delayed by some 7 years. 5) ditching the injunction on loud laughter is good since absolutely no one pays attention to it anyway The opportunity to gather and the power associated with gathering was very evident, Elder Bednar told Church News. No settlement, no possession, no inheritance. Re: The Law of the Gospel conflating covenant and ordinance: All covenants are established through ordinancesthough not every ordinance is utilized to establish a covenant. She did the right thingthough at the wrong time. After the temple is formally dedicated, entrance is reserved for faithful members of the Church. One full year has passed since their confirmation. I'm not trying to be derogatory that's just the way it is. Im sure a lot of people equated them, 150 years agoperhaps even some of the prophetsbut the Doctrine and Covenants make it *extremely* clear that they are different, and Im very surprised that anyone still thinks they arent. 30 years later I wish I had been emotionally mature enough to realize I was ceding decision-making authority to others. Hey Holly, I find membership and attendance at church and temple very fulfilling. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. Thats part of why I dont really care much either. Mom. In other words, if you want salvation, you must go through the temple, and so you have to come to church and pay tithing. To sum up, (1) our LDS concept for covenant is limited, incomplete, arguably misleading, and (2) to carry satans symbol right into the celestial room is an abomination. Originally planned to have a final run in 2021, the Hill Cumorah Pageant was canceled due to the pandemic. Everyone should know what they are before they go to the temple. Their stake president is their ecclesiastical leader. Your statements are based on culture and tradition.
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