billy shears campbell today
If J. Paul McCartney did indeed actually die in a car crash, what happened to his remains? Maybe the arrangement wasn't perfect for their friends, relatives and business partners, but sometimes money and loyalty make for excellent bed partnersso all was made well with John directing and basically slipping into the shadows with little ego, but very fond memories, no bitterness somehow about an accident brought about by his own ignorance. You're clearly a disinfo agent. Its not so easy to explain the references to Billy Shears in more than one Beatles song, William Campbell Fake Paul and the disappeArance of the winner of the Paul McCartney look alike contest. The REAL truth about William Shears Campbell Did you know that John Lennon was abducted by aliens on 23rd August 1974? I believe that had no choice in keeping up the charade, like it or not. Amusingly, though, during the height of the BeeGees' popularity in the seventies, Barry Gibb lost a Barry Gibb look-alike contest! Billy Shears is only mentioned in the title song and, implicitly, as the singer of the segued-into "With a Little Help from My Friends", and even more implicitly, in the title song reprise. [74] Schaffner said that, given its origins as an item of gossip and intrigue generated by a select group in the "Beatles cult", "Paul is dead" serves as "a genuine folk tale of the mass communications era". [1] At the time, Barrow was the press officer for the Beatles and was responsible for fielding calls from fans and the media. The myth of Paul McCartney's early death is traceable to a couple of disparate sources. it's "i don't really want to START the show" Paul had a twin brother, he was more talented so he replaced the original Paul. Sheppard comes from the White Album's "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill," which was about the tiger hunter William Sheppard. This site is no longer updated. In early 1967, a similar rumour circulated in London that Paul McCartney had been killed in a traffic accident while driving along the M1 motorway on 7 January. so far I can find three because the current one has blue eyes, the previous two did not. Not one person did so. Neither is the story", Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, "Why fans think Avril Lavigne died and was replaced by a clone named Melissa", "The Avril Lavigne conspiracy theory returns", "The Four-Color Adventures of the Fab Four: The Beatles and Comic Books", "The Beatles flesh out zombie mash-up craze", "George Harrison Stabbed in Chest by an Intruder",,, "EL VY post lyric video for new single 'Paul Is Alive', "Paul Is Dead A Comedy Short Film Inspired by the Classic Bizarre Rock & Roll Conspiracy Theory". I would rather be a little less famous these days. [56][nb 5], McCartney was secretly filmed by a CBS News crew as he worked on his farm. Guess the original know he was going to die and left clues before he died. In 1977 John Lennon wrote a song for Ringo and recorded it with him. "Paul is dead" is an urban legend and conspiracy theory alleging that English musician Paul McCartney of the Beatles died in 1966 and was secretly replaced by a look-alike. Even if you're not a huge Beatles fan, you probably know something about one of the greatest conspiracy theories in rock music history. Some rights reserved CC BY-ND 4.0. The Illuminati, which this secretive group along with Tavistock own most of the recording industry and has their fingers in most major bands, solo artists money-making pies. Fearing that the photos would damage his image, McCartney then approached the pair and agreed to pose for a photo with his family and answer the reporter's questions, in exchange for the roll of film containing the offending pictures. Advertisement. There is only one Paul. Paul's leaving would have ended them. Dreamnt up by Paul & John. Everything else falls into place. Billy likely was killed to be kept silent. The story of 'Billy Shears' is the untold story of Billy Campbell. [30], Dozens of supposed clues to McCartney's death have been identified by fans and followers of the legend. Did you know that John Lennon was abducted by aliens on 23rd August 1974? [29][nb 2] On Halloween night 1969, WKBW in Buffalo, New York broadcast a program titled Paul McCartney Is Alive and Well Maybe, which analysed Beatles lyrics and other clues. All I can say is brace yourself for some chilling evidence that even the most credible nay sayer can't deny. With all the evidence you've presented I'd be a fool to keep the charade going. I spent much of the past year researching this, and even saw Paul in concert in Green Bay last summer. "[44] He cited a 2009 Wired Italia magazine article that featured an analysis by two forensic research consultants who compared selected photographs of McCartney taken before and after his alleged death by measuring features of the skull. Actually billy shears was a stand in double for Paul McCartney. In 2008, he joked that his success as a musician had extended his fifteen minutes of fame for his part in the rumour to "seventeen minutes". John Lennon wrote the song in response to "gobbledygook" said about Sgt. According to Tony Barrow, who wrote about it in his book "John, Paul, George, Ringo and me," the rumours about McCartney's death started circulating in September 1966. Backward messages hidden on records, unusual photographs, the OPD badge that Paul is wearing on the fancy blue uniform that he is wearing on the Sgt Pepper sleeve being official police slang for Officially Pronounced Dead, the first line of Shes Leaving Home - Wednesday morning at 5 oclock as the day begins as printed on the Sgt Pepper sleeve being a direct reference to the time of Pauls death on Wednesday 9th November 1966. [59] In Winn's description, the family portrait used for Life's cover shows McCartney no longer "shabbily attired", but "clean-shaven and casually but smartly dressed".[58]. That's a little eerie All aside, I feel like sharing George Harrison's last testimony. Also, when you play that one part in "I Am the Walrus"backwards where it sounds like complete rubbish, you hear the demonic chanting of "PAUL IS DEAD! --- Stuart Smalley. claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. Most people didn't have television, those who did had tiny black & white sets with a fuzzy picture and believed all they saw and were told on that 'magical' box at the time. John and Paul were inspiring collaborators, while Paul and George were close schoolmates before the group was even formed. Legally speaking Was he on a "moped", or a SCOOTER? The stomp your feet and rattle your jewelry comment by John was famously spoken during concert. Of course they don't always happen. So begins a new novel, Whatever Happened to Billy Shears? If Ringo had feared the non disclosure agreement he never would have stepped forward at all. So is laziness-and apathy. Watch later interviews with Fail and other Beatles members. Every time he sells a 99 Flake he gives the game away by asking if you want Strawberry Sauce Forever! If Billy Shears legally but silently changed his name to Paul Mccartney years ago it wouldn't be considered fraudulent would it? has the best of the Memoirs' "Paul is Dead" material (excluding those . It's some people's day job, gagged with NDAs and the OSA. the question is how many faux pauls have there been? the Bottles ! Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles withdrew from touring and shifted musically. "[8], In late September 1969, the Beatles released the album Abbey Road as they were in the process of disbanding. [24] Before the recording, LaBour told Bailey that his article had been intended as a joke, to which Bailey sighed and replied, "Well, we have an hour of television to do; you're going to have to go along with this. The anger of the public if he were exposed today is another reason they keep the ruse going. [24][61] The rumour benefited the commercial performance of Abbey Road in the US, where it comfortably outsold all of the band's previous albums. [9] American social critic Camille Paglia locates the "Paul is dead" phenomenon to the Ancient Greek tradition symbolised by Adonis and Antinous, as represented in the cult of rock music's "pretty, long-haired boys who mesmerize both sexes", and she adds: "It's no coincidence that it was Paul McCartney, the 'cutest' and most girlish of the Beatles, who inspired a false rumor that swept the world in 1969 that he was dead. ", in which he attacked McCartney's character,[68] Lennon described the theorists as "freaks" who were "right when they said you was dead". You are correct in your stated assumption that the book had to be written as fiction and that people see what they want to see. 168K views 8 years ago A hidden camera catches the moment John Lennon convinces Faul McCartney (AKA Billy Shears AKA William Campbell) that taking The Deceased Paul McCartneys place in The. I am Billy Shears. My husband, he didn't believe me for the longest time. In the 60's, it was all a brand new adventure for all of these parties involved with the Beatles brand name. But that hasn't happened, has it? He faked his death do he could run an ice cream van back in Liverpool. In fact, if you listen to all Beatles songs between 1967 to 1970, Paul breaks out that particular voice a lot (not always). Fifty years on from 1967 and the Summer of Love, 'Shears' is a squeaky-clean Anglican chaplain, nursing memories of a lost and secret love. The list could go on. FACT Paul McCartney did have a minor accident on 26th Dec 1965 when he fell off a moped, split his lip and chipped a tooth. Listen to Paul's lead vocals in Lady Madonna, Back In The USSR and Oh Darling. I am happy to be with my family and I will work when I work. [2] The rumour was acknowledged and rebutted in the February issue of The Beatles Book. ", While Beatles fans will continue to debate why Paul McCartney wasn't wearing shoes on the Abbey Road cover, this fictitious interview with Ringo Starr should be immediately dismissed as a hoax. And as someone else mentioned, wouldn't the real Billy Shears have had family and friends somewhere? How could the Remaining Beatles, especially John not feel the sense of betrayal and abandonment towards his deceased best friend Paul. His picture is included on the poster that came with the White album in the lower right-hand corner. Much money would change hands if true family members could inherit what Faul has taken as his own. On 25 February 2015, fake news website World News Daily Report (WNDR) added a new chapter to a classic urban legend when they published an article claiming that Paul McCartney had passed away in 1966. Then in June of 1967 the album Sgt. By the fall of 1969, Beatle fans finally stumbled upon the mystery and . To all the sane people out there that know that Paul never dies and that he is alive and well still making music,don't bother saying anything to the comspiracy brigade as You Can't Argue With Stupid!!! It can't be that difficult to find some history on him.if indeed he existed at all. It's too dark in this closet. Even if people don't like Paul or the Beatles, we all need to recognize the things that are happening under our very noses. They saw the Sgt Pepper album as yet more proof of the on-going speculation that Paul McCartney had been killed in a car crash on Wednesday, November 9th 1966 and replaced with a look-a-like, sound-a-like called William Campbell Shears a.k.a Billy Shears born in Shreveport, Louisiana on September 16th, 1940. John wanted to leave the business. Copyright 2005-2023 St Margarets Community Website Billy Shears was Ringo's Sgt. It also explains why John Lennon had such an estranged life as he got older too. When the Beatles were elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Paul did not show up due to personal conflicts with his business scheduling, or so he says. Shears and Paul's ends of their noses are different and the cheekbones on Paul are somewhat larger. I find peace in thinking about John playing a song he contributed so much to and lived thru in such Grace. It is the source for Billy's Back!, Beatles Enlightenment, and The Talent Contest, and also includes nine chapters that were not selected for those compilations. What an exemplary life! The WKBW DJs concluded that the "Paul is dead" hoax was fabricated by Lennon. There is no such thing as the Ontario Police Department. Of course anyone with two good eyes should be able to tell theyre not the same people Sargent Peppers Is quite a departure musically and full of Luminati influences. Pepper, where every Beatle except McCartney is photographed facing the viewer, and the front cover of Magical Mystery Tour, which depicts one unidentified band member in a differently coloured suit from the other three. I love this conspiracy. Since then you were just a man named William Shears Campbell! William Shears Campbell was an invented name. What about that looney Heather Mills? I understand why you were adamant in recording When I'm 64 in the key of C# instead of the key of C because of the vocal recognition of your voice. Then Paul McCartney introduces the singer coming up on the next song So let me introduce to you the one and only Billy Shears and Ringo starts to sing. The white VW Beetle in the background with the number plate 28 IF suggests that Paul would have been 28 years old - IF he had survived. Hello. I for one, am very grateful to have had the pleasure of reading this most informative book. The original Paul McCartney can be seen on YouTube of Queen' s Concert in Britain 1963. He obviously is a very talented and accomplished musician and philanthropist. but as I said it is really O.P.P. What do I believe.I do not want to say because my opinion does not mean squat to anyone but myself. [47][48] Two frequently cited examples are the suggestion that the words "I buried Paul" are spoken by Lennon in the final section of the song "Strawberry Fields Forever", which the Beatles recorded in November and December 1966. Sheesh2018 you crazy nut you are quoting the words from yesterday as a clue? They were, are and will always be the greatest, most talented band that ever was or will be. The whole 'Paul Is Dead' fiasco is a wonderful piece of Pop-Culture, a fantastic addition to the Beatles myth and legacy, and certainly deserves to be on this site, in its entirety, but you'd have to be a fool to believe it! Maybe, just maybe John lost both legs in a horrific car accident in 1966, and unwilling to travel for his job found a way to trademark a popular singer's name, with both entities profiting. Lennon himself dismissed any deep meaning to the mysterious lyrics: > I threw the line in "the Walrus was Paul" just to confuse everybody a bit more. I mean, it's just a bit of poetry. My basic premise in believing the information in the book is because it all makes sense and explains to me why everything happened the way it did within the Beatles circle of friends. And guess what? You know, if investigators find the real Billy Shears working in some factory in Shreveport, LA (his apparent birth place), then you know this whole thing was a hoax., (-- unsigned, posted by 00:27:14 . Embarrassed by his fat lip he began to grow a moustache. .. John is very much alive and living in Brookville Long Island. So, if Paul McCartney was kill back in 1966. The take away from the story :Americains are crazy. John wasn't shot and didn't die.
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