battle of antarctica 1947

The early Haunebu was 25 meters in diameter, held a team of 8 people, could reach a speed of 4,800 km/h, and its operation time was 18 hours. Base D, Hope Bay, Trinity Peninsula, was established as the centre for the expeditions second year. Ron recounts a possible secret operation under the direction of Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Our aim is the revive and preserve naval history! Abandoned Hektor Whaling Station, Deception Island, April 1945. [49] A botanical survey was made by Lamb, mainly of lichens, that included the discovery of a number of unrecorded species, including Verrucaria serpuloides, the only known true marine lichen, thus making a considerable contribution to the taxonomy of Antarctic lichens. Problems arose almost immediately and she had to put in to Portsmouth for repairs. The Soviets eyed the Operation Highjump announcement warily. is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. Most importantly, the UFO force had inflicted heavy casualties on the US Navy that was powerless to oppose it. The third, Brian Roberts, was an ornithologist on the British Graham Land Expedition, who was working with Wordie in the Admiralty Intelligence Department on cold-climate clothing and equipment. The city's leader told him that he was concerned about surface issues. The well-known battle of Antarctica, also known as Operation Highjump, occurred in 1946, when the United States Army Task Forces attacked the remaining bases of the Fourth Reich in order to capture a new weapon flying saucers. A base hut was built on Coronation Island, South Orkney Islands (Base C) but not occupied. L/S one of the ships of the task force. [73], James Marr at Base A, Port Lockroy, 5 Nov 1944, Base A, Port Lockroy, Goudier Islet, Wiencke Island, 6 Jan 1945. We returned to the great door after 1945, and we walked back through it afterwards. Originally scheduled for a six month period, the scientific expedition was officially called The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program, and given the operational name Highjump. Admiral Byrd took four ships to Antarctica: the flagship USS Bear, the USS Snow Cruiser, the armed escort USS Wyatt Earp, and the supply ship USS Edisto. All footage can be viewed on the British Path website. [60] Port Stanley Town Hall, in which the Post Office was located, was destroyed by fire on 16 April. Obviously, it was very difficult to avoid the common stereotypes about the exterior of flying saucers imposed by movies. [6][7], The Central Group of ships reached the Bay of Whales on January 15, 1947, where they began construction of Little America IV. [1][2] The operation was organised by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Ethan Erik Larson, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. During his flight to the North Pole, Admiral Byrd is said to have flown past the Pole and into an opening leading to the Earth. A full programme of science and mapping was undertaken. Originally published on the official World of Warships site. Flying out ahead of the icebreakers to search for clear passages through the ice, the helicopters served as the eyes of the fleet. [18] He was subsequently promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Captain George J. Dufek commanded the Eastern Group, with Pine Island carrying three PBM Mariners. UFO Hunters. After Admiral Byrd and his team established the Little America IV base near where three previous bases had been situated, aircraft would photograph as much of Antarcticas land surface as possible during the three-month operation. The ensign of Admiral Byrd was commissioned in the South Pole in response to Highjumps claim that the operation was operational. The other 6 crew members were rescued 13 days later. Argentina and Chile signed the Argentine-Chilean Agreement on Joint Defence of "Antarctic Rights", a defence agreement that envisioned potential military action over disputed Antarctic lands. During the mode, 12 ships are to be faced with flying saucers. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced. These were to dispatch the armed merchant cruiser HMSCarnarvon Castle to the Dependencies to make landings, carry out administrative activities and remove marks of Argentine claims, and, crucially, to establish permanently occupied bases at strategic locations. The flight deck was only 300 feet long, but with the JATO assist the first aircraft, with Byrd aboard, was airborne in 100 feet. [41] Waiting for them, to replace Bransfield, was HMS William Scoresby. The incident took place in the winter of 1916, during World War I, when a group of American sailors attempted to seize a Norwegian whaling station in the Antarctic. During his naval career, he was a pioneer in the air and a polar explorer. Facing the prospect of an emergency landing and difficult rescue, Byrd ordered any item that was not bolted down thrown out of the aircraft, save for the photographic material. The Mariner had to be lifted back onto the ship for repairs. [37] Bransfield herself, with the rest of the expedition, was scheduled to sail on 6 November, but was delayed when leaking fresh water tanks had to be replaced. What happened to Adm. Byrd when he went to the South Pole? New Swabia (Norwegian and German: Neuschwabenland) was a disputed Antarctic claim by Nazi Germany within the Norwegian territorial claim of Queen Maud Land and is now a cartographic name sometimes given to an area of Antarctica between 20E and 10W in Queen Maud Land. [2], In the Antarctic summer of 1944/45, Captain Andrew Taylor became leader, following the resignation of Marr due to ill health. The projects goal was to establish a training and research facility in the South Pole in collaboration with the University of Utah. The end of World War II led to renewed interest in the Antarctic region. Since it was impossible to land in the area, messages were dropped directing the survivors to make their way to the open water about 10 miles to the north. This was done by establishing permanently occupied bases, carrying out administrative activities such as postal services and undertaking scientific research. The operation also involved several Sikorsky HO3S-1 helicopters, capable of a carrying a pilot, three passengers and cargo, with a 360-mile range. [citation needed] New Swabia was explored by Germany in early 1939 and named after that expedition's ship, Schwabenland . [39] Forced to abandon the Bransfield, the expedition was trans-shipped to the troop ship SSHighland Monarch at Avonmouth on 8 December. The admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. April 29, 2023 LUFOS Documentaries, Latest posts 0. Battleship is an extraterrestrial invasion possible? The British concluded that occupation was indeed necessary to end these tit-for-tat tactics. One of their naval journals stated, U.S. The R4D slowly began to gain altitude and in the tradition of the tough Douglas aircraft arrived back at Little America IV and made a safe landing. In his diary, he describes what he experienced. [49][64] As spring advanced Lamb took advantage of the low tides and melting snow to conduct an ecological study of the local beaches, Marr encouraging the others to collect zoological specimens. The following day the attempt was reluctantly abandoned and the decision made to proceed south-west along the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula in search of an alternative mainland site. With Fitzroy now running low on coal and no suitable landing site having been found, Marr agreed that the expedition should make for Port Lockroy, Wiencke Island, a well known safe harbour with several low rocky islets where the base could be built. The naval component of Operation Highjump was known as Task Force 68 and comprised 4700 military personnel, one aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and number of naval support ships and aircraft. After heavy fighting and losses, the Allies were finally able to push the Axis back and gain a foothold in the continent. [54] Port Lockroy began postmarking mail on 12 February, indicating the importance given to philatelic duties. He arrived in the UK in July 1943 and joined the expedition committee. On 3 February 1945, Fitzroy and the 550 ton sealer Eagle arrived at Port Lockroy, with Victor Russell and David James, Norman Bertram Marshall, Gordon Lockley, Frank White, Alan Reece, Thomas Donnachie and Norman Layther aboard. Previously classified files on the mysterious Byrd led naval expedition to Antarctica were released by the KGB following the Soviet Unions collapse in 1991. It is a little-known fact that the United States Navy was defeated in Antarctica by a small group of Norwegian whalers in a skirmish that came to be known as the Battle of Antarctica. [36] As the Bransfield was too small to carry the whole load, some of the cargo, including the prefabricated hut, had already been shipped aboard SS Groix and Ragnhidsholm, and now more stores and two expedition members were allocated to SS Marquesa. Thousands of pieces of bamboo were carved and had orange flags attached to be used as route and landing zone markers. During the American Revolution, a group of explorers led by Adm. Richard E. Byrd went to the facility known as the great unknown. During his expedition, which was the first to reach Antarctica, he penetrated 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole. The first Central Group ships arrived at the Ross Ice Shelf on January 17. An alternative explanation is that the 1947 Soviet report contained U.S. orchestrated disinformation that was being conveyed to Soviet authorities by a Soviet mole known by the US intelligence community. Was the Stalin era report disinformation deliberately fed to Soviet authorities by US intelligence? Our designers did their best to create flying saucers that suit the game style and look natural, as if this type of craft existed in the game from the very beginning. Norwegian trawlers in the area reported the ice to be the heaviest in more than 40 years. [52], The main hut, named Bransfield House in memory of their original expedition ship, was a prefabricated design by the Norwich firm of Boulton and Paul. A geological survey was also undertaken, and aspects of glaciology and physiography observed. Bringing a new topic to life is an effective way to do so. So too, the Maddox cited by Soviet espionage was similarly consigned to an official memory hole. HIGHJUMP's objectives, according to the U.S. Navy report of the operation, were:[3]. [28], Marine biologist and polar explorer James Marr was selected as leader of the expedition. 4.. He was formally involved after Feb 1944, when he took up a post at the Foreign Office Research Department. [58] On 17 April, she delivered a large quantity of mail to be stamped and cancelled. [53] Three extensions to the hut were added between February and April, using materials brought from Deception Island or found nearby, and also a Nissen hut for storage. Other operations would follow, including the U.S. Navys Operation Windmill in 1947-48, and eventually treaties were signed by all involved nations to ensure that Antarctica remained a nonmilitary zone. [48] Due to thick fog, it was not until 10 February that the ships left Bransfield Strait and began the search. It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939. Task Force 68 consisted of three separate naval groups, each with a specific mission. Other articles where Operation High Jump is discussed: Antarctica: Technological advancements in exploration: Byrd's fourth expedition, called "Operation Highjump," in the summer of 1946-47, was the most massive sea and air operation theretofore attempted in Antarctica. It was a one-way trip to Little America IV since they could not land on the carrier and would be left behind when the operation was completed. On November 12 Admiral Byrd stated at a press conference that Operation Highjump was primarily a military mission to train naval personnel, test ships, planes and the new helicopters under frigid zone conditions. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Among other losses, a PBM had been blown overboard off Currituck in a massive ocean storm prior to reaching the objective and disappeared in the high waves. The expedition failed, but 71 years later, players have a chance for a rematch: in the mode, a team of 12 ships will face 12 flying saucers. Grumman J2F-6 Duck amphibians with the group performed reconnaissance, supply and, if needed, rescue and medical missions. The helicopters and PBMs also flew photo missions along the coasts. [44] In addition to the expedition, the Fitzroy carried Tim Hooley, his wife and 14-year old daughter. An aircraft [Martin flying-boat] from the Currituck that took off just a few moments later was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object, and almost instantly crashed into the sea near our vessel. This being the most likely place for Argentine or German vessels to shelter, they were relieved that there were no signs of recent occupation, other than an Argentine flag painted on a fuel tank, which was promptly erased. Jim Trautman is the author of Pan American Clippers: The Golden Age of Flying Boats and is currently working on a book about airship history, due next year from Firefly Books. The low temperatures made the air denser and increased the helicopters efficiency. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious Byrd led Naval expedition to Antarctica. His ATA gene was used to gain access to the Antarctic outposts defense system via the Control chair by Stargate Command. A second aircraft took off and both made it to Little America IV safely. Follow for the best reads from the historians behind World of Warships the free-to-play naval warfare game. Anubis Alkesh and Death Gliders were besieged by Jack ONeills F-302 fighter-interceptors as SG-1 and Bratac were being protected by Prometheus and Jack ONeills F-302 fighter-interceptors. The aircrafts launch had been delayed for days by fog, snow squalls and heavy seas. Bond, included Currituck with the other three Mariners. 21 men over-wintered in 1945. If the Soviet report is based on disinformation, then its release serves to promote international conditions for a future false flag UFO . The Life And Legacy Of Admiral Chester Nimitz, African-Americans In The Navy: A History Of Overcoming Racism And Discrimination. The celebrations surrounding the end of World War II had barely ended when the Cold War commenced between the Western Allies and their Soviet former partner. Upon landing it was judged advisable to remove the aircraft tires and only employ the skis. The naval contingent, known as Task Force 68, was commanded by Rear Adm. Richard H. Cruzen and Rear Adm. Richard E. Byrd commanded the scientific and research elements, with six Douglas R4D-5L aircraft (Navy C-47As) at his disposal. Operation Tabarin was the code name for a secret British expedition to the Antarctic during World War Two, operational 1943-46.Conducted by the Admiralty on behalf of the Colonial Office, its primary objective was to strengthen British claims to sovereignty of the British territory of the Falkland Islands Dependencies (FID), to which Argentina and Chile had made counter claims since the . On 19 March she brought Falkland Islander John Blyth, who joined the team as a cook/handyman in place of Blair. As the weather closed in the next day, the remaining four R4Ds followed and reached the base with only an hour to spare before conditions deteriorated. In 1947, after the Nazi craft defeated the Byrd expedition to Antarctica, "the U.S. military, alarmed about the Nazi antigravity fighter disks housed in their secure ice-bound redoubt in NEUSCHWABENLAND in Antarctica, knew the U.S. was vulnerable to invasion by these crafts and defenseless against such an assault. Acheson, Colonial Office Under-Secretary, with members from the Colonial Office, Foreign Office, Admiralty, Treasury, Crown Agents, Ministry of War Transport and Discovery Investigations. After the Kull warriors secured the base, Anubis sent a hologram of himself there to make them feel uneasy. 14 men over-wintered in 1944. [69], On 7 February, Marr resigned on account of poor health and later returned to the Falklands, with Taylor replacing him as expedition leader. [47][1], The expedition sailed for Hope Bay, arriving on 7 February, to find that the approach to the bay from Antarctic Sound was through a 10-mile wide band of pack ice. Operation Tabarin was the code name for a secret British expedition to the Antarctic during World War Two, operational 194346. A hand-written note by Roberts explains that the name, after the Paris night club Bal Tabarin, was chosen because of the amount of night work required and the chaotic organisation. Written by Dr Michael Salla on October 25, 2012. In addition to the loss of expedition mail, this compromised the expedition's secrecy as correspondence now passed through Montevideo. On January 22, Philippine Sea lost an HO3S-1 helicopter when it was caught in strong winds on takeoff and crashed into the sea. An aircraft marked the route with orange flags and then proceeded to parachute drop food, medicine and other supplies. The footage captures the ship making its way up the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers. [29], Marr's priorities were to find an expedition vessel and recruit suitably experienced volunteers. George 1 was lowered over the side of Pine Island and almost immediately one of the launch boats crashed into a wing and damaged a pontoon. [22], It was agreed that scientific research and mapping should be undertaken by the expedition and three scientists with significant Antarctic experience were involved. On 15 February the generator was successfully installed, enabling wireless communication with Stanley and Base B to be established. On December 30, 1946, the Martin PBM-5 George 1 crashed on Thurston Island killing Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez, ARM1 Wendell K. Henderson, and ARM1 Frederick W. Williams. [15], On January 21, 1947, Vance N. Woodall died during a "ship unloading accident". Both were approved. Additional reading: Report of Operation Highjump: U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Program 1947, produced by the U.S. Navy; and Operation Highjump: Diary of a Young Sailor, by Richard J. Miller. After leaving Base Camp Arctic, he encountered an unknown number of lost people and flew northward. The Hauneburg testing ground in Northwest Germany was well suited for this. [7], In response, the British authorities sent the armed merchant cruiser Queen of Bermuda to patrol the area between South Georgia, the South Shetland Islands and Weddell Sea. According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Fhrer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress." After locating a powerful race of underground beings, they were attacked by UFO's, ships sank and damaged, many killed, and told never to return armed again. [14], Upon reaching Deception Island, Carnarvon Castle replaced the Argentinian flag with the Union Jack and placed four British Crown Land signs. Had the Task Group penetrated the pack without eyes it would have arrived too late in the season to establish a base; then conduct an aerophotographic exploration of a hidden continent. [63] During the winter the nine men practised skiing, prepared equipment for planned field trips and Taylor carried out local mapping work. Clifford M. Campbell, USN, Commanding, On December 30, 1946, aviation radiomen Wendell K. Henderson, Fredrick W. Williams, and Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez were killed when their Martin PBM Mariner George 1 crashed during a blizzard. Our aim is the revive and preserve naval history! The PBM flight crews were all inexperienced volunteers, having only had a month to train for the mission. During Highjump the six R4Ds completed 28 photographic flights and captured more than 21,000 images. In the early 1920s, Byrd established the first base camp in Antarctica and made many important discoveries about the continent. [6] In January 1941, the German cruiser Pinguin attacked the unarmed and unescorted Norwegian whaling fleet. According to Daniel Jackson, he attempted to download knowledge into his brain, but ONeill halted him. Actually there were at least three American destroyers known by that name (DD-168, DD-622 and DD-731) all of them contemporaneous. Argentine flags were raised in these locations and all territories south of 60S and between 25W and 68.34W were declared annexed. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. [59] On 22 April Marr and others were aboard when the vessel visited Cape Renard to erect a Union Jack and British Crown Land sign. Many authors propose that the Operation Highjump when Admiral Byrd had at his disposal the largest armada ever sent to Antarcticawas established to investigate a Nazi presence. Safe passage involved ships operating at low speed, wending their way through the ice. In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called "Operation Highjump", and at least one follow-up expedition. [5], Following a number of interdepartmental meetings, planning for an expedition to occupy sites in the Falkland Islands Dependencies (FID) started in May 1943. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. Then the men would move inland to establish Little America IV, headquarters for Byrd and his six R4Ds. [5], The important trade routes round Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope made the waters of the South Atlantic Ocean a particular target, with a corresponding threat to the Falkland Islands and its Dependencies. According to Frank Joseph the USS Maddox was either a torpedo boat, or torpedo-carrying destroyer. He goes on to explain what may have happened to the Maddox mentioned in the Soviet report: A USS Maddox was indeed sunk by enemy action, but five years earlier by a German dive-bomber during the Allied invasion of Sicily. When the weather cleared again on December 29, George 1 was once more lowered over the side and took off with a crew of nine, including Pine Islands skipper Captain Henry H. Caldwell, who was along as an observer. A War Fleet, complete with Aircraft Carriers, Destroyers and Attack Submarines, surrounded and invaded Antarctica. In addition, as an island location, it was inferior to Hope Bay, on the Peninsula mainland, from the perspective of strengthening British sovereignty, though this was somewhat mitigated by it being so well known. By 1958 the ice shelf on which Little America IV was sited had broken away and drifted into open water. In another dramatic incident, during a four-plane flight to map as far as the South Pole an R4D carrying Admiral Byrd almost met a similar fate. The 1946-1947 U.S. military expedition to explore and map Antarctica, led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd, is presented from its planning stages through its successful completion. The PBMs and R4Ds would play a major role in the objectives. A second, unstated objective was to prove Navy capabilities to President Harry Truman, who sought reductions in Americas postwar military budget. Despite his defeat at Dakara, he eventually became the sole survivor of the rest of the System Lords. Although the United States ultimately won the war, the Battle of Antarctica was a humiliating defeat for the Navy. Farrington senior wireless operator mechanic, William R. Flett base leader, geologist, Norman F. Layther wireless operator mechanic, Gordon J. Lockley base leader, meteorologist, zoologist, Alan W. Reece base leader, meteorologist, James E.B.F. GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS)To license this film, visit naval c. Anubis, after the deaths of Cronus and Apophis, quickly rose to power in the Goauld world. [31][22] Lieutenant Victor Marchesi, Royal Navy, was appointed as her captain and second-in-command of the expedition. [Our Real War of the Worlds"]. [44], The two ships left Port Stanley on 29 January. The majority of flights are used to transport researchers and to provide their bases. Youwere trapped in an aircraft for five hours, in zones where the weather changed minute by minute.. Tim R. Swartz grew up in Indiana and went on to become an Emmy-award winning television producer/videographer, as well as a best-selling author. Operation Highjump included a staggering 13 ships, aircraft escort, aircraft carrier, a submarine, two destroyers and a total of 4,700 men with full battle gear in . On August 26, 1946, chief of U.S. naval operations Admiral Chester Nimitz announced that a massive combined military expedition dubbed Operation Highjump would be launched into Antarctica in December during summer in the Southern Hemisphere. [12], Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding, Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Rear Adm. Richard E. Byrd, Jr. USN, (Ret), Officer in Charge, Capt. L/S as he is picked up by a boat. Northwind was critical to the mission since the thick ice could crack open a thin-skinned ship like a can opener. [11][12], In January 1942, Argentina's Comisin Nacional del Antrtico dispatched the transport ARAPrimero de Mayo to Deception Island, afterwards sailing to the Melchior Islands, Palmer Archipelago and Winter Island. The United States refused to recognise any foreign territorial claims to Antarctica, initiating Operation Highjump. Nevertheless, a site for the hut was chosen on Goudier Island and Base A was established, discharging cargo beginning at once. In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called "Operation Highjump", and at least one follow-up expedition. Pentagon plans for Alien invasion exist according to military professor Taylor abandoned the plan to build the Stonington Island station focusing his attention on Station D. On 13 February, Seal Point was selected as the most suitable location for Station D and the first steps for its erection were made, construction was completed on 20 March. This article is copyright and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without authors permission. After they had been flying for three hours, the weather took a turn for the worse. Though plausible, this is highly unlikely given that the US and USSR were still allies at the time of Operation Highjump, and had a common interest in finding and destroying any hidden Nazi base(s) in the South Atlantic. [26] The Forces mail address Naval Party 475 was allocated for the bases to be established, and Naval Party 470 for the expedition ship. This suggests that Admiral Byrds initial press report was accurate a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds had emerged. This film is based on the events of Operation Highjump, which occurred in 1947. The next two days were spent searching for a site for Little America IV. At the completion of the operation, more than 70,000 photos had been taken and over 1.5 million square miles of territory had been surveyed. The destructive technology used by the UFOs in the Soviet intelligence report was not something that had been developed by the defeated Nazis who had only shortly before been forced to retreat to the South Atlantic. As such, the United States sought to establish a presence in Antarctica and explore the frigid continent using naval and air assets. Pentagon plans for Alien invasion exist according to military professor, "Foundations for Globally Managing Extraterrestrial Affairs The Legacy of the Nazi Germany-Extraterrestrial Connection. Admiral Cruzens Central Group and the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea, with Byrd as officer in charge, filled out the task force. However on March 3 1947, the squadron was attacked by the. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATH TV. The . Soon the process began to shut down the operation and leave before the full force of winter set in. Many people died during the eight weeks that the Byrd expedition lasted. [1], Operation Tabarin established the first permanently occupied stations in the Antarctic and in commencing geology, biology and mapping, was the foundation for continuous British scientific research in Antarctica. That is fact. [46] Few of the buildings were inhabitable, but one of the whalers' dormitories was selected for Base B. Unloading commenced immediately and by 6 February the two ships were able to depart, leaving geologist Flett as leader of a five-man party. The six aircraft disappeared. Tibet, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the North Pole all have tunnels that lead to Agartha, according to Byrd. Operation HIGHJUMP commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. This time, we will take a look at the.

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