lds church multiple probations
"sooner or later; they will be thrown back to the native element from which they originated, to be worked over again, and be prepared to enjoy some sort of a kingdom (glory)." After this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed. the merciful God of second chances I have since come to know and believe in. When I have read the account where the church leaders during the Saviors time were asking him if he were Jeremiah or some other great prophet, that never made sense to me until after reading your book, then it made perfect sense to me. 2:21. wasteth the days of his probation, 2 Ne. I know who you and I were in the past and I cannot wait to meet you in person. Laub wrote, "For we are to go from glory to glory and as one is raised to a higher, so the next under him may take his degree and so to take the exaltation through the regular channel. The passage I was given is found in D&C 76 which also happens to be about the Mysteries of Godliness: D&C 76:41-44 See 1 Corinthians 15:40-44. I have to be honest. Let's review multiple scriptures that allow us to see things as they really are: 1) The Plan of Happiness. It is particularly comforting to realize that I can let go of the worry and anxiety of wayward children who have struggled to stay on the path, that this doctrine provides the hope that there is plenty of time, if they chooseto move forward in their ( or my own) progression. The LDS Church declined to comment on Snuffer or his movement, but an internal 2015 presentation to the faith's apostles (as provided by the website MormonLeaks) lists the Sandy attorney . I enjoyed your book very much and reading your essay just now is when I felt enveloped in the calmest, loving peace, and knowing that bore witness that this additional knowledge is indeed true. I could discern truth because I have long since done what you and Julie ask us to do almost every podcast. Peace, enlightenment, and hope are wonderful gifts. He showed us the way how to ascend. We often use this scripture to support the concept of a pre-mortal life, but we would have to assume that it is possible to commit a sin while there in a spirit state. Thanks for sharing! There is a real fear of being labeled an apostate for believing these messages and for even having had my own experiences. Section 76 of the Doctrine and Covenants felt like fringe doctrine to some early members of the church when it was first received. I admire your truth seeking and truth-recognizing abilities. 9:27. continue in the path until the end of the day of probation, 2 Ne. They are those who openly came into the presence of Christ and openly rejected what Christ is offering. Growing up in the Church, I had the same impressions as you regarding our exaltation. For the uninitiated, Multiple Mortal Probation (MMP) is similar to the concept of reincarnation. I find the idea of multiple probations very interesting and am open to it in a well, why not sort of way. 1 Answer Sorted by: 4 Probation is an action taken by a church leader or council that limits some privileges of church membership. dangerous doctrine. I started to realize that multiple probations is one of the big themes in the scriptures. I love how Heavenly Fathers plan for his children is so loving and allows us to learn and grow in our own way and at our own pace. Thank you for sharing. Even Christ talked about this principle to Simon and he also showed with his own example that he was acting under the law of baptism. I must continually ask myself the question, Who am I to believe that Gods work is dependent on my understanding, teaching and attempting to enlighten the unenlightened? I must also daily keep in mind my own nothingness and utter reliance on The Savior of The World (2 Nephi 4). If mortal probations, then individuals get better opportunity. Pamee, you have a wonderful heart and testimony. When I first heard you and Julie talk about multiple probations on a podcast I was surprised but thought: I hold the knowledge sacred, personal to my own covenant At one point I had to stop believing any thing he said to me of a spiritual nature and this set me on my path to get my own inspiration of the true doctrine. And as you mention that we are progressing to good or evil with every new morning the words of the philosopher Heidegger come into my mind. Rowe was excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after . Choose one innovative idea the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced in the last 10 years. Benjamin Seeker He recorded, "But the holy ghost is yet a Spiritual body and waiting to take to himself a body as the Savior did or as god did or the gods before them took bodies for the Saviour Says the work that my father did do i also & those are the works he took himself a body & then laid down his life that he might take it up again." I've read a couple of interesting books on reincarnation/multiple mortal probations and I actually really like the idea. You must understand that this is a very poor argument. Another George Laub journal entry on JS' Sermon In the Grove seems to confirm that this is how Laub understood it. As I pondered the gravity of that situation seeing the effects of disobedience in other families and in my own I prayed asking Heavenly Father how he could let so many of His children fall and be cast off. Something that has always been there but was never realized by me. Some parts of it make sense, but Ive never wanted to think too deeply about it because it made me feel such sadness to think I would be reborn somewhere else and lose my husband and kids, if they were to go somewhere else. And as the head of our creation under the Father, it is Jesus who will be head in the next creation the way the father is. I know many people think this is false doctrine and I did put myself in their shoes to understand where they were coming fromI could see what they were trying to say, but the fruits werent lining up. It would be very helpful to me, if you could share scripture references for multiple probations. Details mapped state by state. have troubled them throughout their lives. Adam Answer (1 of 5): The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a book called Preach My Gospel, which is an official guide for missionaries. We all have to die to go further. Im glad you feel that way Kendall. Kim, that is a very insightful point that would seem to be a witness Of truth hidden in plain sight that if reincarnation is a false doctrine, that there must be an opposite, which I feel my spirit was first introduce to in the temple. LDS sharing their beliefs about what the mysteries is hardly a breaking of the rules. Only through a Multiple Probation lens can the mercy portion of the Plan of Salvation be realized, as those who choose to ascend to higher kingdoms may receive such an opportunity by going back down in a veiled environment to continue their development and progress as a son or daughter of heavenly parents. May you find Him now. Im so grateful for you, Greg, Matt and Julie for your conviction and witnesses of the Truth! As long as I don't come back as a cockroach or some kind of insect. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God. Jacob 4:8. It has been reported by those who knew the first prophet of the church that he was at least at one. Thank you for your wonderful expositions on such a beautiful and hidden part of the plan. Given that the content of JS' revelations usually coincide with questions and subjects he is interested in at the time, my best guess is that this interpretation of 88 is probably a stretch. James J. Strang is probably one of the lesser-known claimants in the succession crisis following the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintssometimes inadvertently called the Mormon Church. May God bless you too. We remembering reading that Joseph Smith knew so much more than he could tell because of disbelief and anger from others. multiple lives, which to me is practical and actually very simplistic in While young, we learn hot from cold, day from night, The thought of using this I see that I am at the beginning of a long path of understanding. In my opinion Alma 5 and Alma 12, in their entirety, are both worthy of consideration along side many other scriptures that follow a pattern which is familiar to me. Thank you for this essay, you have a way of expressing your thoughts and knowledge so eloquently and with so much clarity. I know the doctrine has come to me, and indeed to many hundreds (if not May I share my own experience that has allowed me to know and discern truth of such doctrine as MMP. Many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in my belief are afraid of these lost doctrines especially when they are exposed to it from news agencies that are trying to (in my opinion) to make people fear that if it doesnt come directly from the president or prophet of the church then we are being led away by false prophets. But what is meant spiritually can be read in a physical way too. These ware resurrected Bodies, Violated the Celestial laws. I will give up on this life and try again in the next life. Never at any time in my research and doctrinal interests have zombies, adultery, and murder ever remotely crossed my mind. One should note that reincarnation in Kabbalism isn't reincarnation of a full person but is more akin to Platonic notions. Some are asking why this doctrine is necessary. In other words I don't believe this theology, andI'm not recommending beliefs or anything along those lines. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints official stance on multiple mortal probations (similar to reincarnation) is that is the doctrine of the devil. This is a straight forward interpretation of the standard collated version of the sermon most often circulated, but it's made even clearer by George Laub journal summary. Your email address will not be published. You know Eric its interesting to me how much i have loved James Allen for so many years and how you were also inspired by him. Should there be an official declaration against every imaginable falsehood? "And also they who are quickened by a portion of the telestial glory shall then receive of the same, even a fulness. ("Scriptural Items," F. D. Richards, August 27, 1843 . You had to have been proven, and earned this Title. Nor do I believe that a full understanding of Who I Am, in all the Eternal facets of my Being, qualifies me to take responsibility for doing Fathers work in somehow translating this knowledge to another. Why the title and what needs to happen to have that title. Thank you for visiting and commenting Anna. grudge against anyone who does not believe, or who does not want to know more 9. It indicates, "Click to perform a search". . What did Jesus do? Perhaps Im misunderstanding. The purpose of this essay is to reason from the scriptures to promote an understanding of how God has worked in the past on these points. Progression for a time and then it is over just doesnt compute for me. I often commented in Church Sunday School, that, to be considered Noble and Great!! How did we live in the pre mortal realms and agree to a plan to come here where we only had one shot to get it right? February 28, 2017 in General Discussions. Multiple Probations is a beautiful doctrine. P.S. Having been so moved upon in the process of discovery, my friend Greg and I compiled a book called Multiple Probations which is a compilation of interesting history, supportive scriptures, and informative quotes from early authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thank you Eric! I learned long ago to stay quiet in Sunday school. I was once looking at the wickedness of the world and lamenting the fact that so few in this generation appear to be on a path to come to know Christ and therefore lacking what is needed to enter into His kingdom (JST Matt 7:33). Tonya, I didnt know this about your family. You know that the LDS church doesn't even believe in past lives, or "multiple probations", and there is a long list of other problematic ideas that Chad, Julie, Lori and the rest cooked up that is not in accordance to LDS doctrine. Its like the chorus which follows the verse, giving the song power and unity.