ckeditor 5 set height react

Find the last item in the module.rules array which should be the file-loader configuration, and modify it so it looks like this: Now, your setup with create-react-app is complete. const editor = this.editor; const editorConfiguration = { So if you have unwanted changes on your page outside of your editor, you should create a copy of the css file and prefix the selector(s) that have unwanted changes outside the editor Since i want to avoid the page refresh when the Submit button is hit, instead of using the standard Django form, i'm using an Ajax request to send data to my view. The second issue here is that this answer supposes to solve only the Classic Editor case. I cannot find anything that would work. Shouldn't we recommend using ck-editor__editable_inline? Instead, I want each of these events to be an individual Sentry alert. Why does the editor filter out my content (styles, classes, elements)?