vinted shipping options
Please read the Privacy Policy and do not access or use the Site if you disagree with the Privacy Policy. at the best online prices at eBay! . In addition, Vinted may from time-to-time launch contests, games, promotions or sweepstakes or otherwise make special, limited time, or exclusive discounts or offers available to some or all Users (collectively, , ). IN ENTERING INTO THIS RELEASE YOU EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY PROTECTIONS (WHETHER STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE) THAT WOULD OTHERWISE LIMIT THE COVERAGE OF THIS RELEASE TO INCLUDE ONLY THOSE CLAIMS WHICH YOU MAY KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN YOUR FAVOR AT THE TIME OF AGREEING TO THIS RELEASE. With ninety new pieces of clothing added each minute, there's plenty of variety and options for buyers. You don't need a printer for Royal Mail or Yodel Direct. 1.3 Account. uploaded a fraudulent document or took any other unlawful actions referred to in Section 12.1, and the E-wallet Provider deemed such User as fraudulent, User will no longer be able to overcome KYC check again and Users will not be able to pay out or reach the funds (more info here). E-wallet (Balance) means the financial service provided by the E-wallet Provider which allows Users to create e-wallets (Balance) on the Site. In summary, there are three shipping options offered on Vinted, depending on your item. For example, this can occur by verifying the User's Facebook or Google account, the User's telephone number, email, the User's credit card or debit card, pin-code based, or any other confirmations that VINTED may implement in its sole discretion. For sellers, enjoy label-free postage without the usual queues. Both the Buyer and the Seller acknowledge that using the Pay now button and confirming the Buyers details creates a legally binding contract between the Buyer and the Seller, and the Buyer has a commitment to pay for the Item and the Seller has a commitment to transfer ownership of the Item. If the Seller decides to independently ship an Item (i.e., without using an Integrated Shipping Label) or is shipping hazardous materials, the Seller will be responsible for choosing the shipping provider, determining the postage price, and arranging for the label and shipping the Item. 11.3 The User agrees to immediately update any information on the Site that is no longer current or accurate, including information provided by the User while registering on the Site and information in the Users Account, as well as information on the Items listed in the Catalog. ), the layout and design of the Site, in the software used by and for the Site, and in the trademarks and domain names used by and for the Site (collectively, VINTED IP). Free shipping for many products! Lies and insults are forbidden. 16.3 Responsibility for Preserving Your Content. (ii) Minors. Most items basically don't have any sort of description. If the Buyer purchased a Bundle and the Buyer considers any of the Items in the Bundle as damaged during shipment or significantly not as described in the Items listing, then the Buyer should follow the Buyer Protection process in Section 5.3.2. 17.11 Indemnity. Shipping costs for returning a Bundle are the responsibility of the Buyer, unless the Buyer and the Seller agree otherwise. Before the first sale Transaction takes place, Sellers can also open the E-wallet on their own initiative by going to their accounts settings (Select Balance, then press Activate Balance) and providing required data. These Terms and Conditions (. News Content shared by VINTED on the Site, including news about special offers, contests, games, promotions, and announcements about new Services available on the Site. No other shipping options available other than custom. If VINTED at any time discovers that any information a User provides about himself/herself is incorrect or has changed without the User informing VINTED, VINTED may immediately suspend the Users Account (including any in-progress transactions). (ii) Professional Sellers. VINTED may provide notices, requests, information, and other communications to you via email, using the email address you provided when registering on the Site. VINTED Social Networks Accounts VINTEDs accounts on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and other social networks. 12.9 News. Handy Q&As for shipping on Vinted. Any violation of these additional terms is a breach of this Agreement. There are two service point shipping companies available on Vinted: UPS; Purolator ; You'll see which delivery options, shipper(s) and postage costs are available after you press Add to Cart. Users are responsible for reviewing and agreeing to all applicable terms and conditions of the shipping provider the User selects. The Ultimate Vinted Shipping Guide. The final sales tax amount applicable to the Item and/or Service purchased will be shown to the User during Checkout. 7.5 Availability of Integrated Shipping Services. Such third-party services, which include third-party social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tik Tok and any content thereon are not controlled by us, and therefore, we are not responsible for their contents or any change or update thereof. Both Users and Visitors may consult the Forum, but only Users may post messages to the Forum. ANY CLAIM THAT ALL OR PART OF THIS CLASS ACTION WAIVER IS UNENFORCEABLE, UNCONSCIONABLE, VOID, OR VOIDABLE MAY BE DETERMINED ONLY BY A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION. Suppose you sent the item using the prepaid USPS label. messages that may qualify as harassment of any kind whatsoever. i'll definitely look into using hermes in the future. If there are consistent and objective reasons to suspect unauthorized use of credit or debit card data or payment information when a payment is made, the payment may be canceled or the Buyer may be asked for additional verification. The right to use the Integrated Payment System is only for sales in a Users own name. Certain features or functionalities of the Site (including, but not limited to, the Buy now button) may be temporarily disabled during or in connection with a Promotion. Here's how it works. The platform VINTED is managed and hosted by, ), a company registered in Delaware, with a business location at C/o AG Accounting, 735 Geary St. #303, San Francisco, CA 94109. Visitor Any individual who uses the Site but who has not created an Account. Users and Visitors must comply with the. The Site is not intended for the following persons: You are only authorized to use the Site if you are a resident of the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. The Privacy Policy, available at the link, describes how VINTED handles information that VINTED collects or that you provide to VINTED relating to you through your access and use of the Site. Since June 2021, UPS is now a shipping option for buyers. In most cases, the buyer pays the shipping fee (opens in new tab). Most of these shipping options you will need a printer for, including Evri . Except for Content of Users, as between you and VINTED, VINTED and its affiliates own all right, title, and interest in and to the Site (including all intellectual property rights therein), including in its system (the Catalog, its transmission, etc. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. In the event that VINTED exercises its rights under Section 12.1 or Section 12.3 above and an affected User or Visitor disagrees with VINTEDs decision, the User or Visitor can contact VINTED and provide VINTED with additional information using the. UPS isn't really used by non-businesses in the UK, so it's frustrating we can't turn it off. When a User has a Holiday status, Items listed by such User will be hidden from other Users. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vinted French Accent Rocking Chair at the best online prices at eBay! Promotions may be subject to certain eligibility requirements, determined by Vinted. Vinted allows users to sell clothes - or even swap them with other sellers - it says, without fees. ). Promotions may not be available in all countries where this Site has been made available. (ii) The Seller must be the owner of the item and the Seller must have the right to transfer the ownership in the Item by selling, exchanging, or donating the item. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in the written notice is accurate. VINTED is our trademark and you may not use any of our trademarks without our prior written consent. If the Buyer has funds available on the E-wallet (Balance), such funds will be automatically used to make purchases on the Site from other Users. If any part of these Terms is determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable to any extent, such term shall to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Professional Sellers are not authorized to use the Site. Anything good sells in 2 seconds and the rest is garbage. mangograpecherry 2 yr. ago. 7.4 Commitment to Ship. You are responsible for any charges that may apply to your use of our Site, including text messaging and data charges if you access or use the Site on your mobile device. If a Buyer concludes the Transaction outside of the Site directly with the Seller and without using our Buy now button, Buyer Protection will not apply and VINTED will not be able to assist the Buyer in the event any problems occur with the Transaction. 17 LIABILITY LIMITATIONS; WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS. If the Buyer purchased a Bundle and the bundled Items are lost during shipment, then the Buyer should follow the Buyer Protection process in Section 5.3.1. . uses the identity of other Users or otherwise misrepresents themselves; sells, exchanges or donates (or attempts to sell, exchange, or donate) any Item that does not comply with the Catalog Rules or that is listed on the E-wallet Provider's. We welcome feedback, comments, and suggestions for improvements to the Site (Site Feedback). 9.3 Forum. For security purposes and to assess whether the information referred to in this Section 1.3 are reliable and complete, at the time of registration and after, from time to time, VINTED may request a User to (i) verify the information included in their Account, (ii) answer relevant questions or provide relevant information, (iii) remedy the incorrect or incomplete information or (iv) assist in verification procedures. We provide you with these links for your convenience only, and the inclusion of any link does not imply we approve of or endorse the website or the content thereon. You hereby assign to VINTED any and all right, title, and interest (including, but not limited to, any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, show-how, know-how, moral right, and any other intellectual property right) that you may have in and to any and all Site Feedback. At any time, a User can elect to have the funds available in a Users E-wallet transferred by the E-wallet Provider to the Users personal bank account without any transfer fee; however, for the first pay-out, a User must provide bank account details as described in Section 6.5.1 below. In addition, the E-wallet Provider may also carry out KYC checks on the User without reaching set thresholds if it suspects that this User is engaging in possibly fraudulent or suspicious behavior. thank you this helps a lot! Users will be asked to confirm this during the E-wallet creation. (In particular, please read Section 17 (Liability Limitations; Warranty Disclaimers) carefully as it affects your rights and will have a substantial impact on how claims between you and VINTED are resolved.) Literally the worst selling app as both a buyer and seller. Transaction Any transaction between Users through which the ownership of and/or the right to use an Item transfers from one User to another, including, but not limited to, the sales contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller. 17.12 Class Action Waiver. The current. VINTED will endeavor to provide the User with notice at least thirty (30) days before the date of termination unless VINTED determines that immediate termination is required by law or is necessary to avoid damages to (or mitigate damages for) VINTED. ANY CONTENT ON THE SITE OR ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY YOU AS A RESULT OF YOUR USE OF THE SITE WILL BE ACCURATE, RELIABLE, COMPLETE, UP-TO-DATE, OR SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE; OR. If there is a mistake in the reported delivered date and the item has not been actually delivered to the Buyer, the Buyer must still report the issue within the Dispute Filing Period; otherwise, the Transaction will be marked as completed. In such circumstances, the Buyer must report the issue to VINTED within two (2) days after the date the Item is marked as delivered in VINTEDs system (VINTED notifies the Buyer when this occurs) (such 2-day period, the . 15.2 Disputes. VINTED is not responsible if the identity of a User who has posted a message or a topic in the Forum is made public. The Buyer protection service provided for a fee (payable by the Buyer) to Buyers by VINTED when a purchase is made using the Buy now button on the Site; please see the description of. 16.4 Survival. . 17.14 The User is expressly reminded that the Internet is not a secure network. Integrated Shipping Service The shipping and delivery service paid for by the Buyer, enabling the Seller to deliver the Item to the Buyer, with the shipping, transport, and delivery services further described in Section 7. Certain features or functionalities of the Site (including, but not limited to, the Buy now button) may be temporarily disabled during or in connection with a Promotion. ADYEN N.V. is providing payment services, including the e-wallet and escrow services on the Site. If there is a mistake in the reported delivered date and the item has not been actually delivered to the Buyer, the Buyer must still report the issue within the Dispute Filing Period; otherwise, the Transaction will be marked as completed. VINTED does not buy, sell, exchange, or donate Items shown on the Site. 18.3 Additional Terms For VINTED iOS App. (please see Section 6.5.1 for more information on how users are requested to accept the E-wallet Providers terms and conditions). - means VINTEDs payment service provider ADYEN N.V., a Dutch public limited liability company (naamloze vennotschap) d/b/a ADYEN N.V. (San Francisco Branch). Item(s) The goods/items that Users list in the Catalog on the Site to sell, exchange, or donate the goods/items. im just worried someone will buy something and choose hermes etc when i cant do that.
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