danny thompson airplane repo wife
Before becoming an airplane repo man, Danny was a bodybuilder, mixed martial artist, and bounty hunter for some 13 years. . Later, Ken Cage and Danny Thompson make a risky two-vehicle snatch from a wealthy playboy. TV-14. MUST-READ: Airplane Repo's Ken Cage denies show is fake, fights for second season. Distractify is a registered trademark. Ive had engines disappear, [and] Ive had pilots try to hold records ransom., Airplane Repos Kevin Lacey (Photo courtesy of Discovery Channel). TV Shows Airplane Repo Season 3. He has done over 450 repos around the world. Danny Thompson (bounty hunter), American bounty hunter in the reality series Airplane Repo; Daniel Thompson (inventor) (1921-2015), Canadian-born American inventor and entrepreneur; See also. Ken and Danny bring in some talented friends to pull off a rare simultaneous triple repo, and Kevin attempts to swipe a deadbeat flight school's entire fleet of Cessnas.In an epic episode, Mike and his wife go undercover to repo a go-fast boat. The cast of season two includes the dynamic duo of Ken Cage and Danny Thompson, two experienced experts with over 1,500 repos to date, and daredevil Mike Kennedy, who is known for pushing his aircraft and luck to the limit. Love to see Kevin repo a 29 million dollar plane that would be a great payday. CC Repo 911, an episode of Airplane Repo on Philo. On the show, people such as Kenny, Danny, Heather, and others work as highly-trained airplane-seeking bounty hunters. Returning over 3000 inmates to jail during his 14 years of owning the business. Mike and his wife go underwater to repo a go-fast boat, Ken and Danny bring in some talented friend to pull off a . The United States Military trained her 2b a pilot! CC In lieu of flowers, memorial donations in Kevins memory may be made to the American Cancer Society; P.O. Ken and Danny hunt down the luxury yacht of a womanizing sleaze bag. What man at his age is not capable of protecting or taking care of themselves? Aviation. I am a fairly quiet man with a good kind nature. Hope they know they cant depend on Dad! Mike Kennedy enlists the help of his wife, Valerie, in a daring plot to seize a charter jet. It has been years since the show has produced a new season, with the last new episodes debuting in 2015. I personally like Kevin, he is a talented pilot, funny, and knows what he is doing. The show never cracked two million viewers, instead hovering just over a million viewers at the best of times and sinking below that more and more as time went on. He did 4 years in the US Army as a tank mechanic and played baseball. Meanwhile, adrenaline junkie/repo man Mike Kennedy enlists the help of his wife, Valerie, in a daring plot to seize a charter jet. That got him into Power Lifting and marshal arts. chris curtis weei father Follow us Facebook amanda and derek kelowna bc Follow us On Twitter pashtana durrani biography View our Instagram Images aafes customer . SD. 0 min. Mike Kennedy sky dives into an airfield to snatch a Dehavilland Twin Otter airplane. Meanwhile, adrenaline junkie/repo man Mike Kennedy enlists the help of his wife, Valerie, in a daring plot to seize a charter jet. Now Ken Cage that man to me is one great big IDIOT, Seems he has NO clue how to do anything except rely on Danny with out him the man is more like a little girl. He still holds records in NC for power lifting. 'Airplane Repo' Underwent an Overhaul After Season 1 Did the Narrator Change Too? Sure, you have to be able to fly lots of planes from different locations, but that doesnt mean youll get up to the wacky antics that are so conveniently caught on camera on the show. Airplane Repo. To get here required a long and winding route. Mike Kennedy. CC Kevin is great. A dream job for an adrenaline junkie. too. Directors: Steve Jones, Gab Taraboulsy. He once spent five days in a Mexican prison after stealing a Piper Malibu from the Honduran Air Force, only to have the electrical system fail at night over the ocean. Once we think we know where it is, we start heading out to the field with a pilot. . Danny Thompson was born in Charlotte NC. Earlier in the week repo man Ken Cage had reassured everyone of this by tweeting about his Oshkosh intentions: And thats not the only thing theyve been tweeting about. frankie avalon wife kathryn diebel; golf digest undercover caddie; tour pros using edel putters; 1783 carolus iii dei gratia coin value; . Thanks for the trip down memory lane. He is constantly getting his ass kicked! View Danny Thompson's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Season 3. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Well, thats where the show comes in. Mike ticks a lot of "Florida Man" boxes, if "Florida Man" was a successful airplane repo agent. CC Getting to showcase his recovery knowledge and using his skills body guarding Ken Cage from irate debtors. But that being said, he's managed to perform over 450 repossession jobs. Watch Airplane Repo videos, only on Discovery. I personally like everyone on the show. I would speculate almost all the repocessions are setup for the show in some way. Mike Kennedy struggles to land a plane that is rapidly losing power all while navigating a glacier. Being a repo man is dangerous, people now days will kill you, for trying to take there property. Ken Cage and Danny Thompson repo a tour bus. He spends more money then he makes trying to get these airplanes because he doesnt know what he is doing & he cant fly them! Stay safe Kevin . Airplane Repo: With Ken Cage, Danny Thompson, Kevin Lacey, Mike Kennedy. Be the first one to add a plot. Find out when AIRPLANE REPO returns to Discovery Channel for an all-new season on Friday, August 22 at 10PM ET /PT. SD. The American Consulate had to help me get out, Kennedy said. Ken and Danny bring in some talented friends to pull off a rare . Meanwhile, Mike Kennedy's on a mission to repo a plane being stripped by a stolen-parts ring. Check system requirements. Ken Cage and Danny Thompson try to repo two planes from a much-feared criminal. WATCH ONLINE WITH. That got him into Power Lifting and marshal arts. A Character on Discovery Chanel's Airplane Repo. Seeing is believing, but we all know better than to trust what we see on reality TV as real.. Airplane Repo is an American documentary-style fiction show following repossession agents hired by financial institutions to recover aircraft and occasionally other high-value assets from . Mike Kennedy and his wife go undercover to repo a go-fast boat. Also, Lacey somehow gets Ed hooked on drugs. Philo Sign in. Jacqueline, you must really hate someone like Ken in your life. . But the group wasnt about to spend the week stealing airplanes they were at Oshkosh to have fun and to meet their fans. while aircraft owners at oshkosh may have been intentionally avoiding eye contact with airplane repo guys kevin lacey, ken cage, danny thompson and mike kennedy, nycaviation tracked them down to get the scoop about the show's upcoming season. After a short (failed?) The official page for Ken Cage from the TV show Airplane Repo. Airplane Repos Mike Kennedy (Photo courtesy of Discovery Channel), And as for Mike Kennedy, well, hes flown a lot of airplanes, most just once or twice while repossessing them. At the end of the day, Lacey says, theyre just aviators like the rest of us. See production, box office & company info, Robot Chicken: Zeb and Kevin Erotic Hot Tub Canvas. Meanwhile, Mike Kennedy's on a mission to repo a plane being stripped by a stolen-parts ring. That got him into Power Lifting and marshal arts. A recent investigation by Forbes and Business Insider has shown that Danny Thompson Airplane Repo estimated net worth is more than a couple of million dollars, according to the publication. Ken and Danny bring in some talented friends to pull off a rare simultaneous triple repo, and Kevin attempts to swipe a deadbeat flight school's entire fleet of Cessnas, Season 3, Episode 7 TV-14 Convenience is often a dead giveaway of this. Airplane Repos first season averaged over 1 million viewers per episode, and was a top-ten cable program among men, said Morgan. [5] Popovich claimed that later episodes are unrealistic. Your email address will not be published. SD. And Kevin and Heather pose as tourists in order to attempt a rare mid-air repo. For example, later shows do indeed use recreations of what the show owners claim to be real events filmed in a fixed security camera style. Self: Airplane Repo. Or the put the chain around the propeller. Ken Cage and Danny Thompson must repo two planes from an intimidating criminal. This is especially true of long-running series, or for the cast of Airplane Repo, who have some sizable reported net worths. This is very disturbing to me that any of there advitisers would support this show with Ken Cage being on there. Ken Cage and Danny Thompson try to repo two planes from a much-feared criminal. In 2017, cast members Ken Cage and Danny Thompson started a GoFundMe account to raise money so . In an epic episode, Mike and his wife go undercover to repo a go-fast boat. Watch Airplane Repo. Some days youre tracking down a crop duster, others its a private jet. CC He says that the show's only helped him get more clients for his plane repossession business. Pilots pursue aircrafts across the country for repossession. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 42min. The brainchild of executive producers Matt Renner, Dan Ilani, Ethan Prochnik, and Joseph Boyle. . They come out of the woodwork to ask me questions.. You seem to have a problem with people in authority. Cant tell him nothing cuz he thinks he knows everything but is an epic fail his entire life! Net Worth. They sneak in and fly the planes out 98% of the time without any interaction with the owners! Mike and his wife go undercover to repo a go-fast boat. $1.99. Danny Thompson. Airplane Repo takes viewers into the lives of aircraft repo experts as they repossess high-dollar aircraft from the rich and famous. not registered on network-100% Fixed in 2021, Anthony Pompliano Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki, Ashley Massengill Net Worth | Bio, Family, Address, Career, Atlas Monroe Net Worth | Age, Height, Weight, Dating And More, Beyonce S Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki, Blue Ivy Net Worth Phone Number, House Address, Wiki. TV-14. glendale dmv driving test route selects academy at bishop kearney tuition Pilots pursue aircrafts across the country for repossession. Never ask a person about marriage, or divorce. I am glad the rich is finally getting there planes, boats taking from them they consider them toys. Also, I would say almost all the aircraft emergencies are setup and fake. As to the legalities of it all, Lacey says that different states have different rules, but that yes the recovery strategies used are perfectly legal. The further into Airplane Repo you go, the less realistic the show becomes. CC CC Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. While critics say Airplane Repo is overly dramatized, the cast assures us that what you see is real and perfectly legal. Season 3, Episode 6 TV-14 nor the bank the SUV the payments where way to high and WE were on very hard times. Just goes to show you egotistical old men, especially air jocks will throw away years of credibility for a pretty face. When he got out he drove trucks and bounced in night clubs at night. Year. When a cunning debtor suddenly swipes the helicopter they were just seconds away from repossessing, extreme repo men Ken Cage and Danny Thompson hit the road to track it down and take it back. Like all bikers, inside he's a teddy bear. [9], In Australia, the first season premiered on the Discovery Channel on December 10, 2013. CookiePolicy When a cunning debtor suddenly swipes the helicopter they were just seconds away from repossessing, extreme repo men Ken Cage and Danny Thompson hit the road to track it down and take it back. Ken Cage got so scared & so desperate from getting his ass kicked so many times he resorted to paying another man to protect him! 8/30/15. They need to be able to fly all manner of aircraft and do so without a hitch. Consequently, he has become one of the worlds wealthiest individuals. From scripted TV shows such as Law and Order and the many CSIs to early reality TV crime shows like Cops, we have developed a taste for law breakers being brought to justice.. (Can You Book One? The writing and acting in reality TV shows is notoriously bad. He is also a champion body builder who brought more than 3,500 . Self: Airplane Repo. CC This happened to me and my partner, Danny Thompson, when we were on the Discovery Channel show Airplane Repo in 2014. Can't play on this device. (136) 4.8 2015 13+. SD. Finally, theres the question of how accurate the show is to real airplane repo-ing. A good way to know is the logbooks. And a bit funny at times. Watch Airplane Repo videos, only on Discovery.Airplane Repo men chase luxury planes for big dollars, but are the rewards worth the risk? . A debtor suddenly swipes the helicopter that Ken and Danny were only seconds away from repossessing. Ken Cage is so set on embarrassing the owners that are losing there airplanes that he hired a person security guard Danny Thompson. In reality, Popovich himself has stated that later episodes of the show are not realistic. Danny worked as a mechanic and custom bike builder for Harley. Season 3, Episode 2 TV-14 Then we start the investigation process. When a cunning debtor suddenly swipes the helicopter they were just seconds away from repossessing, extreme repo men Ken Cage and Danny Thompson hit the road to track it down and take it back. They show up with the finance companies paper work and diesel the airplane! Nothing! The cast of season two includes the dynamic duo of Ken Cage and Danny Thompson, two experienced experts with over 1,500 repos to date, and daredevil Mike Kennedy, who is known for pushing his aircraft - and luck . Enter Airplane Repo. . 200 Likes, 5 Comments - Danny Thompson (@danny_airplane_repo) on Instagram: "My Beautiful Wife Nikki Thompson at Beef & Bottle for dinner" Our Lineup. When he got out he drove trucks and bounced in night clubs at night. HD The Discovery Channel reality series claimed to offer what it says in the title, repo men taking airplanes from people who couldnt pay the bills. Join Facebook to connect with Danny Thompson and others you may know. When he got out he drove trucks and bounced in night clubs at night. This has lead to physical violence on this show. Chronically, from his inability 2 make the right decision! Cage and the rest of the group have been very active on social media lately, using Twitter and Facebook to try to gain fan momentum for season two of Airplane Repo, which until July 25th had an uncertain future. I do like airplanes but have a terrible fear of heights. Know what this is about? Here again, the answer is that the show plays up a lot for the cameras. . Thompson is also a MMA fighter who spent 13 years working as a bounty hunter. Power Lifter, Fugitive Recovery Agent, Mechanic, body guard. Myths and Incidents, What is a Dead Leg Flight? HD For multiple reasons, one, why not just show up with the cops and a repo order? SD. I never miss a show. He's also performed repo work in all of the U.S.'s 50 states, so the dude knows what he's talking about when it comes to repos. Sneaking in to grab the airplane is a method weve had to come up with because [the owner] can run straight down the street to the courthouse if they see you coming and theyll file bankruptcy, and then theyll get a restraining orderand youre dead in the water, Lacey said. Meanwhile, Mike Kennedy's on a mission to repo a plane being stripped by a stolen-parts ring. What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled? Danny Thompson Airplane Repo overall revenues are growing day by day, and he is becoming more popular on both sides. He's amassed a reported $1 million net worth, according to Net Worth Post. 2020. Mike Kennedy s date of birth is March 1960 and died at the age of 59 Years. He did 4 years in the US Army as a tank mechanic and played baseball. Ken and Danny bring in some talented friends to pull off a rare simultaneous triple repo, and Kevin attempts to . On paper, this sounds like it would fit right in with the aforementioned bounty hunter shows that have been on niche reality TV watchers for some time. Too far fetched for me. Interview with the Stars of TVs Airplane Repo! from Capnaux on Vimeo. Season 3, Episode 8 TV-14 Heather can fly fighter jets, on top of many more of her accomplishments! Main Character on Discovery Channels Airplane Repo Owner operator Tek Custom Automotive Livingston . For a show that has been struggling until this year, her addition to the cast brings some serious flaws to the action . Online, No Joke Airplane Repo - Kevin Lacey - Engine Overhaul Series - Cylinder Installation Aircraft Engine Page 3/16. The situations can often seem incredibly unreal. $23 Million. I like the show a lot. Advertisement At this point, perhaps not much more. Mike devises a solution to get even with the deadbeat who bought his favorite plane and stopped paying. 2013. Some peoples kids! Mike Kennedy helps an old pilot retrieve his stolen skywriting plane. Unfortunately, the TV repo man came for Airplane Repo, and the series seems to be on indefinite hold if not cancelled outright. $1.99 $ 1. Meanwhile, Mike Kennedy's on a mission to repo a plane being stripped by a stolen-parts ring. . Season 3 episodes (10) 1 Ken Gets Played. Mike Kennedy is a pilot and among those featured on Airplane Repo, a Discovery Channel television program about five people who repossess aircraft. AlsoI think I knew Mike Kennedy (maybe a different name in the 80s) during my days at Opa-Locka Airport. Danny hopes his new found love in front of the camera leads to more TV roles, commercials, music videos, or Film. Ken Cages non ability to fly airplanes is a huge contributor to him having multiple face to face conflict with the owners of the airplanes. Aviation. Ken Cage and Danny Thompson try to repo two planes from a much-feared criminal. Upcoming 5/9/23 11am. Ken Cage and Danny Thompson try to repo two planes from a much-feared criminal. Let us know in the comments what you think! Then it was time for him to open his own business of Bail bonds and Bounty hunting. Known as "The Lone Wolf," Mike has managed to earn a whopping $2 million for himself, according to Celebrity Net Worth, for his airplane reclaiming ways. Prior to what appears to be anepotistic addition of Heather Sterzick to the cast of Airplane Repo, I would have said Kevin Laceys credentials always appeared stellar to the audience. . Airplane Repo. Getting to showcase his recovery knowledge and using his skills body guarding Ken Cage from irate debtors. He sold the business and ended up on Airplane Repo for Discovery Channel. Airplanes are always girls. In an epic episode, Mike and his wife go undercover to repo a go-fast boat. Season 3. S3 E9 - Guns, Girls and Gambles. He is by far incredibly good and its difficult to which one of the three I am impressed with the most, but Kevin runs a close second. Support, Available on Investigation Discovery, Food Network, Science Channel, Discovery, TLC, Travel Channel, HGTV, Prime Video, discovery+, iTunes, Hulu, Animal Planet, Philo, AHC GO, Destination America GO, Discovery Life GO, Cooking Channel. The others? I have a serious problem with the way ken Cage does things. Now come to his family detail, His father and mother's name are not known. he may have taking her under his wing to show her the business but she had better watch her step. And Kevin put her in her place. Season-only. A single airplane repo job can net anywhere from $10,000 to $900,000. At just 20 years old Lacey rebuilt his own aircraft. Airplane Repo on Philo. Contact her on Twitter. It falls apart where the fake goon that is owed money that is somehow talked down then conveniently has the books in his car or laying on the desk. Kevin Lacey faces armed guards on a nighttime repo, and Mike Kennedy is caught in a gun-smuggling operation. I think that certain (short) portions might be slightly modified, but as a former repo man during the 80s, a couple of airplane repos in foreign countries would be looked at by the public as staged, but I can tell you now.as a retired airline captain, I have to sit back and laugh at my repo career and saywowdid that really happen? Or was I just young and crazy? Very bizarre things happen and like a movie, it just boggles the mind that (we) got past military, police, and control tower people and stole planes for companies like Cessna Finance Corporation and Lloyds of London insurance companies. CC Cue Cards impoverished country Lacey Net Worth: How Rich is Airplane Repo on Friday, 1 September 2018 is kevin lacey from airplane repo still alive. . 181 Likes, 4 Comments - Danny Thompson (@danny_airplane_repo) on Instagram: "Just in from a nice ride with the Wife Can not work this remote for nothing" Danny Thompson on Instagram: "Just in from a nice ride with the Wife Can not work this remote for nothing" Maybe, this show is not quite as far fetched as Alaska Bush People Good Kevin she deserved it. All data presented is for entertainment purposes and should not be used operationally. Meanwhile, adrenaline junkie/repo man Mike Kennedy enlists the help of his wife, Valerie, in a daring plot . Nick Popovich is an aircraft-repossession specialist in Indiana. Teresa Stepzinski: (904) 359-4075. Given the fast-paced and dangerous nature of this line of work, often our repo men (and now, women!)
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